Favorites: Sights, Sounds, Smells, Taste, Touch, Sense, Movies, Books, Music
Waking up each day being glad to see the sight of the sun coming up. Hearing the sound of my wife say I love you. Smelling coffee brewing; hearing my wife say breakfast is ready. Tasting how good her biscuits are. Touching hearts of those who are open minded to the word of God. I have a sense of happiness when my family is together. I like the movie; hers mine and ours. I like reading books by Mark Twain and love listening to Rock and Roll music; gets my blood pumping.
Custom Myspace Clock Visit James Roberts - Commingling Authors And Writers View my page on James Roberts - Commingling Authors And WritersThis is who I am. I am a new author trying to get exposure out in the world of the publishing industry. Any and all help will be appreciated. I have been carpenter most my adult life and was self employed the majority of the time. I was a correctional officer in Jackson county Georgia for a couple of years and had training for heat and air conditioning, but didn't care for either much.
I am a proud parent; I have been blessed to have 9 children 4 natural and 5 step children. Just like in the movie with Lucile Ball and Henry Fonda called Hers, Mine and Ours, I had 3 children by my deceased wife and 5 step children from my wife Jeans previous marriage. We have one son "Justin" that is hers and mine.
I am an Evangelist and have been blessed with several Baptisms that the Lord has allowed me to have a part in.
I have written 70 short stories, many devotionals and have had 6 Novels published and 1 nonfiction called Spiritual Messages an insight to the word of God. I am working on another Novel I hope to have published sometime in 2009.
My books have been released on http://www.xlibris.com and you may view or purchase five of my books at my store front on Lulu Market, copy and past on web search this link http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=3308291.
4 books are now at Books a Million, Amazon.com as well as Barnes and Noble, You may view or purchase 2 of my Novels - Blood Ties and Bewildered at Xlibris book store http://www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.aspx?bookid=54578.
It is my Dream when I see my books in Book stores on their self and I witness one of them being sold.

Blood Ties is a story of families, betrayal, corruption, espionage and terrorism all that has been made possible in the United States by those people whom are elected to do a job for the people of our great nation and fail because of differences they may have in doing what is right.
Blood Ties Book Page: http://www.xlibris.com/BLOODTIESJAMESROBERTS.html. ISBN 978-1-4363-7732-4
Book Page: http://www.xlibris.com/BLOODTIESJAMESROBERTS.html.
Book page: www.xlibris.com/BEWILDERED.html
You may also view my Autors page at
Author page: www.xlibris.com/JamesRoberts.html
You may want to visit My Myspace www.myspace.com/jameswrobertssr
All inquires should be sent to James Roberts silverfoxga51@yahoo.com

Bewildered is the kind of story that is mysterious, complicated yet intriguing, the clues are within one man but it takes a family working together to bring out the truth that's within a man called Morgan Robinson.
Bewildered , Book page: www.xlibris.com/BEWILDERED.html ISBN 978-1-4363-7750-8

Making moonshine from the thirties through the fifties was a way of life to a whole lot of people and the Government was dead set on stopping the tradition that had been going on for centuries. It started back in 1860 during the whiskey rebellion and still goes on today, “the fight against illegal booze” the ambrosia that soothes the mind when someone making it becomes fearful of their occupation. Then there were those one night romances that ended up having a dad with a shot gun paying the preacher after he had preformed his duty of making a fellow make an honest woman out of their daughters after one of these romances occurred or at least that’s what they would have liked to have happen.
New Release Where Moonshine Flows and Love Grows Isbn 978-0-615-26276-5 www.lulu.com/content/4755129
Another New Release Novel - Deadly Secret Available at LUlu Market

Why would a man keep something from a woman he loves knowing he had never kept anything from her before? Daryl knew Leona would come after him if she knew what he was about to do. He loved her is why he kept his Deadly Secret
www.lulu.com/content/4752797 ISBN 978-0-615-26324-3
All books can be purchased on Books a Million, Barnes and Nobel, and Amazon .com just to name a few places where you may purchase them.
Chantalk the Spooky Western Cowboy

A Special breed of Humans existed in the Old West a story that has never been told until now, these humans dwelt among the old western towns taking on the roles of the Wild West they were some of the first true cowboys that rode in two worlds they were Mentock they had abilities beyond the imagination of most men. Fighting off evil where ever it lurked in the western towns, Chantalk McCrock was one of the special breeds of men that fought villains in this world and demons in the other. Be ready to go back to the yester year as his story unfolds. May Purchase book at http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=3308291
Spiritual Messages an insight to the word of God

God's word will give you the truth, and if you abide in that truth, He will set you free from the bondage of sin (John 8:31-36). Even though Jesus' death is the sacrifice for our sins, we cannot continue to willfully sin. Let me give you an Old Testament example, Exodus 32:33 - And the Lord said to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of my book. God was talking about his chosen people who have willfully turned their back on him going back to the ways of the world making idols. John 3:6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. may purchase book at
Country Boy Stories

As my thoughts go back in time to a period when I figured all came from the country and pretty much did as I had done, sit and listen to stories being told by those who were a lot like me a story teller. I learned that everyone has a story to be told and the stories were different as night and day. I must say I like it like that this is how my idea of Country Boy Stories came about. I like telling all sorts of stories and this book brings a few of them that I tell.
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