Resting and reading the Bible is the best remedy for healing Heart Problem, please forward this to anyone with heart problem and it will only work for them if you believe in it first
.Let me start by saying I am sorry to hear you are down with heart problem, you see as a Born again Christian I have taking a decision to also go out of the medical line to help people with such problems like yours to make out time to rest and read the Bible.
You see there is this feeling that comes in you each time you read the Bible with understanding, in the book of Geneses God himself took out time to rest after a six days hard job, so tell me who are we then to say we will not rest.
You see before you get that healing you are dreaming about concerning your heart condition you must find time to rest and read the Bible by so doing you kill the one course of heart problem which is what I call the FEAR OF UNKNOWN, my dear this thing called fear is a demon controlled by devil, you should not give him a chance to take over your life he is the one telling you that you have a heart problem, what you have is not heart problem, I will let you see what you are suffering from as you read on,
First of all if you don’t deal with FEAR, no matter how long you rest that heart condition will still be there, take it or leave it, let me tell you what will happen when fear is gone, courage, forgiveness, joy, peace and gladness will come in and live in your body and any body that this five things are in can never have heart problem.
These are the courses of heart problem, fear, un-forgiveness, hot-temper, greediness and disbelieve, you see as a born again Christian I want you to take this note to your doctor tell him or her is my little help for them to know how to deal with heart problem. And not recommend those chemical of theirs, which they have been using to experiment with.
First step; Courage- it helps to fight fear, when you have courage in you body it drives away all those things that make you worry you have failed in life. Courage makes you pick the Bible to read and by so doing you will find more things that will make you stand out in the society Such as good health.
Second step; Forgiveness- it makes you to forget the past like your past life, things you did you thought you should not have done them, you see when you have forgiveness in your body you can never remember your past failures. And any body that has forgiveness will never keep un-forgiveness because two of them can never be in one body.
Third step: Joy; its fights hot-temper you see if you try to make your self happy all the time you can never have anger in your body and any body that has no anger that body will always be joyful, and when you are joyful you heart can never be affected.
Fourth step; Peace ; it helps to fight greediness because if you are a peaceful person you will never be envious of your fellow person and because you have peace in your body you will not like to cheat another person and because you are at peace with yourself your heart can never fail.
Fifth step: Believe: it helps to fight disbelieve, today we answer Christians because our forefathers believed that Christ died for us all, and they believed in civilization, and by so doing we have pastors medical doctor etc, and if you believe in God and believe in me you will believe what I have said that if you try to apply this fives things today, I give you five days you will never visit a medical doctor for heart problem again.
Note: before you can apply rest as a remedy to that heart condition, please take these five steps with you if you want to be total free from that condition, and I see you giving me a call saying thank you for this help. Remember it is only in the Bible you can find how to apply these five steps, so as you take the step to rest as the doctor has told you to do, please keep your Bible beside you and try to read it with understanding. You will surely be healed. Remember Good health is your passion and healing is your birth right. Thank you and May God richly bless us all in Jesus name.
Evangelist Prince Wisdom
Life Way Charismatic center Accra Ghana +233-246847149
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