Heb. 9:6-11
Jesus is making arrangements, He’s changing stuff, He’s rearranging stuff, He’s negotiating stuff, He’s organizing stuff, He’s planning some stuff, and He’s doing it all just for me and you.

The way into the most holy place is open and were all able to enter in, not by any external regulation but by the blood of Jesus Christ. Christ came through with his own blood obtaining the eternal salvation that cleanses us and our consciousness to serve in a new and living way.

Ps 126:1-6 We have permission to dream again. Some have buried their hopes and dreams. You have permission to laugh again. Some people are having a hard time laughing in the face of death and the problems they face.

We now have access to the most holy place for each and every one of us and it’s been established and ordained by Jesus from yesterday to today. It’s in concert with the Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Father. We all have endured stuff and conquered it, and overcome. I know that all of these things will work together that we have all been through and will be a blessing.

Jesus is working it out for you our Lord is working it out for us all who are His children. A season of relationship with Almighty God in the kingdom here in this present age is ordained to the glory to God and in the next kingdom. This will be characterized in praise as an outward expression of an inward revelation. What God has done in all our lives is to be praised He has changed us and we praises Him for that and what He is doing right now.

Praise him on the outside for what He’s shown you on the inside. Praise Him for the perfect 2222… His doing.
Two symbolizes covenant, with a two room tabernacle. Two symbolizes agreement and Two symbolizes a witness. How can two walk together except they agree? Has God a witness in your life? In the two room tabernacle were three items; three represents the holy trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, these three are in unity and perfection.

In the first room were three items, the lamp stand, the table, and the consecrated bread these items served in symbolic nature in the tabernacle. The lamp stand served to remind Israel that they are not the children of darkness, but the children of light. The lamp stand which continually required a filling of oil to it shed its light symbolized our keeping the anointing flowing fresh and free remembering that without oil there is no light.

Mt. 25:1-13 We can’t be foolish. We need to remind ourselves not to be overcome by the world and live on the dark side. That’s not where God has ordained us to live. As long as we continue to live on the dark side we will miss what God has ordained for our lives. We are not children of darkness, we are the children of light. The table represents that God is seated at the heart at all matters of life regarding man.

We need to keep God in the middle of all of life’s matters. That table needs to be sturdy so it can hold up under the weight of the issues of life. You better make sure your relationship holds up when you loose your job, or there’s trouble, ect. A weak and wobble table is like a weak and wobble relationship with God.

The shoo bread had to be renewed on a regular basis it needed to be fresh not smelly or moldy. God can’t use you if you’re not fresh, He can’t use you if your heart is hard, mean or evil, spiteful and hateful. Give us this day our daily bread Jesus prayed. Fresh bread, fresh anointing, is letting God have His way in our lives. The regulation for worship has been set and a commitment is given to worship in good times or bad.

Worship leader’s have a great responsibility to have the atmosphere in the house of God to stay right. Saints need to leave the baggage at home or come early and leave it at the altar. We need to consecrate the house saying don’t bother me I’m having church today, and I’ve come to worship my God. The duty of a worship leader is to get the atmosphere around the sanctuary right and if it’s not right we all need to get it right. The holy place in your life can not be contaminated or polluted by the world and its issues.

A curtain separated the two rooms and every thing that comes into your spirit should not get into your holy place. Coming to church and getting to God does not happen to all who come to church. You can tell if you’ve been with God there’s a difference in your spirit. There are all kinds of churches, but have you been with God in the church you attended this week. There is a difference between the holy place and the holy of holies. Two represents covenant and in the holy of holies with the arch of the covenant the cherubim’s overshadowing the mercy seat, inside the arch was the Jar of manna, the staff that budded, and the Ten Commandments all reminders of what God had done.

Our God is able to provide for us to work the works that Jesus worked and more. But conditions and provisions of the heart must be met. A pure heart will see God. Mt. 5:8
Le. 16:1-34 There were conditions for a priest to minister in the tabernacle of yesterday. No one who lives in the new covenant with Jesus today who’s in rebellion can be in the presence of God. It’s called spiritual suicide. The law of old is not now laws to obey, but to be aware of as Jesus ministers as our high priest.

Together we are in Covenant not commitment to the law, but by God’s mercy and grace can we obtain anything of God and that includes coming into His presence. It’s only by being overshadowed by Gods glory like Mary who found grace by living in the shadow of Gods glory. The old tabernacle is gone and a new one is here in Jesus Christ and it’s in your heart. Yesterday is come and gone, but when your hearts right, like when you got saved, born again and under Gods grace; Christ has come as high priest and is here with us all working. God has called and is calling His own to take a different route. The Lord is showing us the way to deal with all the things pertaining to this life. He himself went through it all conquering overcoming victoriously.

I got directions to a church once, but what I needed to know was how to get to my most holy place and I fell short. Jesus has showed me how to be holy; you have to walk in it. If and when you get there for your self you will loose some stuff, and then you will understand, you will get to where God wants you to be. Not stuck in yesterday but fixed upon the author and finisher of all our faiths Jesus himself. Don’t let it be said depart from me you worker of iniquity, but who are troubled rest. 2 Thes. 1:7-12 He. 4:7-12

The times we live in are full of fear, little peace, and little rest, but God is working, so listen and let God work.


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