As I sat and listen to this multimillionaire explain to me and a group of 300 eager listeners a plan to build 500 likeminded people to the same static in life he was enjoying ,I felt a urgency to set reasonable goals to shoot for that wasn't far fetched or unreachable. I know that this is the age where we can throw away the way things were some 30 or 40 years ago when corperate America was king , 401k, drawing social security , getting to 55 and have everything set to go into your golden years with no worries. Well I'm worried about that and you should be too , I've said this before and I'm saying it again ,the bible say's and I quote " THE WEALTH OF THE WICKED IS STORED UP FOR THE RIGHTEOUS", in other words there is untold and untapped riches available for the bold and courageous and it is not about working hard ,but working smart. This man totally captivated with his simple direct and honest approach that was very refreshing opposed to the slick get rich quick ,this is a once in a lifetime offer,pyramid scheme technique that you very often run into on the internet. The plan was easy to digest , 1 they give you a product with huge accumulates and documentations that you don't have to sell , you just offer it to others and explain or have some of the top promoters in the company show the 8 tier compensation plan that is breathtaking and then to cap off the evening he showcased about 15 millionaires that was there in the building from working this very simple program .Needless to say I and many others who were there was very impressed and what came to mind to me was ,2 when I become a millionaire ,how many people can I duplicate .On the way home I called my wife and told her point blank that I had a mind shift and a new set of goals to fulfill and I'm looking for leaders who want take a back seat to anyones negativity . I dare anyone who reads this to go to www. and watch the movie and then the compensation plan and get a sample of the product from me and get you signed up and in 6 months to a year see if you can't only change your zipcode , but be set up to leave a legacy for generations to come in your families . Now for me this is not for me to brag or boast what I helped someone do , but to glorify God for leading His people to their destiny.GO TO THE SITE ,GET EXCITED IT IS NOT FAKE, GET BACK IN TOUCH WITH ME ,AND LET'S BUILD THE ENTIRE 8 TIER COMPENSATION PLAN THAT AUTOMATICALLY MAKES YOU A MILLIONAIRE
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