Jesus said: Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. John 5:39

Submit your Videos, Poems, Readings, Etc., right here for all the world to see and hear.  God is moving with His Miraculous Power and somebody needs to hear from you today!!!

These are some powerful testimonies and I pray that they will be a Blessing to each and every one of you! It is my hope that these testimonies will enlighten, enrich and uplift your lives for the Glory of God. Any time the Lord lays it upon your heart to witness to someone, don't wait, be obedient to God, because you may not have that opportunity again. Go into the highways and bi ways and compel them to come. Continue to uplift your brothers and sisters in prayer and just lend a helping hand when and where needed. You will be Blessed to measures unknown, when you follow the will of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit! Enjoy!

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My Testimony
1955 arrived from on High, a after Month My Grandfather Dies, I never got to meet him, I don know he was a Man of GOD, my first Baptism 7years old,
A light appears to me, and rest on my shoulder
I know Not what it was, my elder brothers tells me it was Just Jesus.......
So begins the journey Home.......Trails, tribulations.....etc
I will always be with you Jesus says to those who believe
I know my Redeemer Lives! I'm just thanking and Praising God for bringing me through another year and I just want to give my Praise Report of what God has done for me and my Mother this past year. Most of you on this Site did not know about this but I just wanted to share. By the way, my Mom's Birthday is today (3/22) and she is at the ripe young age of 92 years old and the Lord just keeps on Blessing her! She had Colon Surgery back in October on the 12th and they had to remove a Malignant Sigmoid Tumor that was in her Colon. The Doctor had to remove 10 inches of her Colon and Praise God, they got it all out, Hallelujah! He had said that she may or may not have to have a Colostomy done but Glory be to God, he did the surgery and re-attached her Colon, so she's recuperating steadily every day! What's so amazing to me is that, as old as my Mom is, she was up walking around within a week of having the Surgery and that was nobody but God because usually, people at her age does not make it through a major Surgery such as she had. She was always a small size and her normal weight has always been around 125 Pounds but since she had the Surgery, she had lost down to 96 Pounds but when I took her back for one of her check ups just recently, she had gained 2 pounds and I am so overjoyed! 2 Pounds is not a lot but it is for her, for what she's been through. Before the Surgery she lost a lot of Blood and had to have 3 transfusions prior to going into Surgery. Now the bleeding has stopped and she's on the road to recovery now. So, I just give God all the Praise, Glory and Honor for what he has done, doing right now and going to do in my Mom's behalf! She's always been a strong, God fearing Woman-Of-God and she's just like an Energizer Battery, she keeps going and going and going LOL! All I can say is, "Praise the Lord and God is Good!!!!!!!"

As for me, I had Thyroid Surgery the same month that Mom had her Surgery (Oct. 27th) and it has taken me a long, long time to recuperate but I'm doing much better now, so I just want to take the time out to thank all of those who Prayed for me when I was going through those tough times! Most of you on this Site did not know about my situation but I still appreciate you all so much and I thank God for all of my friends here at "I Am Blessed!" I especially thank Rev. Kay for staying on the Wall in our behalf and I know without a shadow of a doubt that she's a Trooper for Jesus and I felt her Prayers! Also, for me being on this Site is a Praise Report within itself and I just want to thank Sister Felicia for allowing me to be a part of this awesome Site! It is a Blessing, privilege and an Honor to be here and to share with everyone about what God is doing in my life and in His Great Kingdom! I was in Surgery for at least 4 hours because they had to go in and around the back of my Wind Pipe in order to take out a Nodule that was about 3 Centimeters in size. It is so amazing as to what Doctors can do nowadays and my Doctor is very skilled with her hands! On top of that, she is Saved and I Glorify God for putting me with the right Doctor! It is so awesome that the Scar on my neck is almost invisible and you cannot tell that I ever had Surgery, that's just how gifted Dr. Sharpe is. I thought it was so funny when she told me that her Grand Mother taught her how to sew and I know she taught her well because it was all in my favor and I continue to thank and Glorify God for that. I thank God for Dr. Sharpe and the whole team who worked with, for and on me. I tell you, "God don't make no mistakes!" I know that's not correct English but I'm from the deep South and every now and then, I have to speak our language LOL! I'm not where I should be yet, as far as the Surgery goes but I'm getting better and stronger each day. I did not know that Thyroid issues were that bad and I've seen and known people with the condition but now I know first hand. Your Thyroid is nothing to play with and it can certainly lead to some dangerous complications! So, if anyone is having Thyroid problems out there, then I would suggest that you get something done about it really soon! I'm just so Grateful to God for all that He has done for me and I just had to share the good news with everyone. Thanks for reading and I hope that my Testimony will be a Blessing of encouragement to someone that is going through some stuff right now. Just know that God is able and if you trust in Him to do His will, then all things work together for good, to those that BELIEVE!!! I KNOW MY REDEEMER LIVES!!!!!!!




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