“Get off the middle road”
“Get off the middle road!!
Get out of the Middle of the road,
says my father in heaven,
We have been walking this journey a long time,
Many are still walking in the middle of the road…amen
Sunday morning, I woke up after having a dream about
People on the other side of the road, the road of sin,
People in the middle of the road, road blockers who call themselves people of God. My father says “ Get Out The Middle Of The Road.” I got a story to tell!! Are you facing road blocks that won’t move? Obstacles that have overtaken your life?
“ Get out the Middle of the road.
” St. John 14:26 “But the comforter, who is the Holy Spirit , whom the father will send in my name, he shall teach you all thing, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you”
That morning I got up on my knee thanking God for Breathing on me. I prepared breakfast and Sunday meal before going to church. As I stepped outside, on my way to church, I saw a Large Photograph on the floor of my porch. I thought it was a photograph of my Grandbabies, but they were children I have never seen before. I thought about the dream I had, and what all this meant, as a Woman of God.
Yes, are children will be left in the middle of the road and on the road of sin, I gotta story to tell!!
My daughter told me that the picture was in street, now it was on my door step. “I gotta story to tell”. “ GET OUT THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!!!!” The highway of Heaven has no middle road. The road of righteousness very few will travel.” “Get Out The Middle Of The Road”.
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” “GET OUT THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD”, road blockers and get right with God…. Somebody needs a blessing, somebody needs their soul to be saved and we all need a little more Faith. I gotta a story to tell and I know Jesus is still working on me.
The Holy Spirit is still working on me, The comforter is still working on me.
Our Father whose art in Heaven, work on me and work on us all, Get us off the middle road, get me off the middle road.
I wanna walk on the right path, I wanna see my Savior face,
I wanna tell the story
about your Grace and my friend Mercy.
Walk with me Lord. Talk with me Lord.
I wanna be more Like Jesus…
I ask all this In Jesus Name…amen
I Gotta story to tell , “ Get Out The Middle Of The Road”.
Wriitencopy/Jan2009/Evang. Pastor Felecia Spaulding
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