The Lord wants to perform miracles in the lives of His people. Many people desire and have asked for miracles, but they really don’t believe that a miracle can happen for them. They don’t have the faith for a miracle or miracles. The Lord told me to do this teaching on miracles that would help His people grasp a hold of faith and to position and prepare themselves for the performance of miracles. Here we go:
Miracle – 1). An event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature, and is so held to be supernatural in origin; an act of God. 2). A person or thing that excites admiring awe.
From New College Edition of the American Heritage Dictionary, 1978
Miracles have also been defined as something that happens or take place by divine or supernatural intervention. Now God and His angels are the only ones that are divine and have supernatural power.
But we become supernatural in nature when we are filled with the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in us is God in us. The Lord told me some years ago “My might and My power are not diminished in you just because it dwells in your house of clay.” WOW right? So because God is now dwelling on the inside of us, we are no longer just mere human beings but we are supernatural beings, with supernatural powers and supernatural abilities. Now from watching the cartoons or movies, the only characters that we know who have supernatural powers are Superman, Spider Man, Popeye the sailorman and the Ninjas just to name a few. And these fictitious characters have a billion dollar industry in sales for their movies, clothes, and other items that depict their picture. And children with their childlike faith, believe and idolize these fictitious characters as heroes. And they believe that they can have these same supernatural powers as they don themselves in their costumes, pajamas, T-shits, etc.
HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD WE BELIEVE, that we can have supernatural power by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, by the indwelling of the mighty God, and omnipotent God?
HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD WE BELIEVE that we can have and exercise the supernatural power of God, because we have been transformed into new creatures, because we are the sons of God, and because we have been given power and authority from God on high through His Son Jesus Christ?
HOW MORE SHOULD WE BELIEVE that we could have and exercise the supernatural power of God, because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God?
HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD WE BELIEVE that we can have and exercise the supernatural power of God because we have a spiritual costume or spiritual armor that we can don our selves in or dress up in?
get a sword in our hand,
open our mouth loud & wide,
and declare to the enemy, the mountains and the walls, the word of the Lord,
then surely we would see miracles.
Surely we would become heroes because of our faith, confession and actions.
The supernatural doesn’t make sense, that’s why it’s supernatural. It’s beyond human reasoning, intellect and comprehension. The supernatural doesn’t consider the law of circumstances, the law of physics or the law of science. The supernatural doesn’t consider logic, reasoning, intellect, abilities or resources.
We open up the doors and gates for miracles with our faith, and by declaring or confessing openly and boldly the word of God and the miracle with our mouth. The Lord may give you specific directives to follow to get your miracle. But you must follow that directive or the instructions to the letter. Remember the story about Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-17? He was told he had to go dip in the dirty Jordan River 7 times to be healed. Dipping 3 times didn’t work, 5 times didn’t work, but he had to go down 7 times. And when he obeyed as he was told, he received his miracle and he was cleansed from his leprosy.
Operating in the supernatural means believing and going against all odds. It may mean taking some steps to do something o get your miracles. The miracle may not happen after you take the first step toward your miracle. It may happen after you take your 3rd step, 5th step or 10th step or act of obedience. How bad do you want a miracle? How bad do you want your miracle? Are you desperate for a miracle? If you are then you should have intense faith. And the number of steps or acts that you need to do shouldn’t matter and won’t matter when you really really want a miracle.
God is not limited in any way, form, fashion or means to perform a miracle. He will at times however, warrant the cooperation of man’s act of obedience to perform a miracle, as He did with Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-17.
Miracles are God creating circumstances or manipulating circumstances and things to work in your favor. In other words, God will take your jacked up, full of hell, and full or turmoil condition and circumstances and make them work in your favor, for your good.
He will make your enemy your best friend and your servant. He will take the people or the things in your life that have been hell raisers and make them peacemakers. He will take the bite and the roar right out of the lion’s mouth and make him flee from you like a roach when you turn the lights on. He will take the giants and the Goliath’s in your life and turn them into a dried up raisin.
The widow woman at Zarephath – sacrificed for the last of her meal and oil the man of God as she obeyed. Him. She never suffered lack again. – I Kings 17
Tax collector came to collect tax from Peter & Jesus. They needed a financial miracle. Peter’s directive was 1). “Go to the sea.” 2). “Cast in a hook.” (not a net, basket, but a hook.) 3). “Take up the first fish.” And when Peter obeyed, the first fish that cam up had a coin in its mouth to pay their tax. – Matthew 17:24-27
Jesus fed 5 thousand with 5 loaves of bread and 2 sardines (smile) “And they all ate and were filled.” Matthew 14:15-20
Moses parted the Red sea with his rod. – Exodus 14:21-26
The lame man at the gate got up and walked at the word of the apostle. – Acts 3:1-6
The ten lepers where healed of their leprosy. – Luke 17:12-19
Your faith must be positioned in God’s possibilities and not man’s abilities.
You must prepare by putting works with your faith, and staying in expectancy for the miracle to happen any moment, any day, any time and any where, and through whatever means, way or person the Lord may choose to make it/them happen for you.
It is very important to keep your faith level up. Nurture your faith that you have for those miracles by absorbing, and ingesting the word of God and by the testimonies of others who have received miracles. Keep it nurtured by envisioning frequently that miracle already performed in your life.
Apostle Melody Barclay
July 2009
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