KING of PROSPERITY here with some WISDOM on how to guide your MIND in the right direction.
Talking to yourself or listening to positive audio CD's/Programs are a couple of the most effective ways to JUMP START your subconscious mind. This is called AFFIRMATIONS.
If you really want to stay ahead of the game you will do both tactics listed above. This will for sure etch your GOALS for you life into your subconscious.
As #1 of "Ten Success Full Tips By Gerald Simmons" says "Look in the mirror"! This is where you will talk to yourself at. I will list a few things that you can say while looking in the mirror later in the article. Try listening to Motivational/Mind Training audio CD's. This is very Effective and not only trains your subconscious but it also will help you have a more productive and prosperous day.
Click here for MP3's and Audio CD's from some of the GREATS!
There are two types of affirmations. They are autosuggestion (which is from self) and heterosuggestion (which comes from other people).
Examples of AUTOSUGGESTIONS are:
- Looking in the mirror and repeating your affirmation aloud or mentally;
- Writing what you want to see happen down on paper;
- Record yourself and listen to yourself. (do you sound convincing to yourself?);
- Pretend to be that of which you wish to become before it happens. You have to be GREAT in MIND before you can be GREAT to the WORLD!
-Listening to self-improvement, motivational, or mindset audio CD's;
- Read books and magazines;
- Listen to the opinions of others (make sure you are listening to the right others though);
- Watch inspiring TV programs;
- Go to church and sit in the FRONT!!
Without knowing it you practice affirmations everyday.
When you speak your subconscious listens and takes notes on what you are speaking about and how you are speaking about it. When you complain about life and all that you think is wrong with your life then that's exactly what you will always do. WHY- Because that is all that your subconscious hears and takes notes on. So those things that you complain about will keep showing up in your life and it's all because you keep welcoming them through your mind.
So from this day on watch what you say, especially what you say over and over again.
Successful people practice this everyday. I can only imagine what President Barack Obama, Sean Combs, Russell Simmons, or Oprah Winfrey's conversation with themselves every morning is like. To reach the type of success that they have it has to be pretty powerful.
I heard a quote that goes like this:
"If you don't program yourself, life will program you" ~ Les Brown
Which means that if you don't AUTO-SUGGEST, you will be HETRO-SUGGESTED by your environment. Think about your everyday environment, do you hang with negative people all the time that complain about things going wrong in their lives? They lost their job, life aint fair, I need this, I need that, etc.?
Your subconscious mind believes what it hears the most to be TRUE!
To avoid going down the wrong road (not the road to success) it is very important to do affirmations DAILY!
Here are some that you can start off with right now. As time goes by make your own because then it becomes personal!
* Today is a new day for me to better myself in every way possible.
* I am everything that I want to be and my destiny is in my hands.
* Everything that's needed to accomplish my goals are already in me and I just need to bring them out.
* There's nothing I cannot have or do once I put my mind to it.
* I am made in his image so I am destined to be GREAT.
* Wealth is all around me I just have to be still enough to notice it.
* I Am KING/QUEEN!!!!!
Say these affirmations in the mirror as you are getting ready to start your day. Write them down and carry them with you. Email them to your work email and read them on your lunch break. Record yourself saying them and listen to them in the morning and at night.
The KEY to being successful is to train your subconscious to believing anything is possible and you do this by repeating positive affirmations EVERYDAY.
If you are to lazy to do this everyday, just remember this:
"The lazy person will ALWAYS work on someone else DREAM (J-O-B) and not their own!"
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