Iowa laws concerning Contaminating Diseases and the Public...Must Read!

We need to help get this out to everyone. Pass it on. Blessings!

The Iowa Department of Public Health (Department) has determined that you have had contact with a person with Novel Influenza A H1N1. Novel Influenza A H1N1 is a disease which is spread from person to person andis associated fever (greater than 100.0 F), cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea (runny nose), nasal congestion, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Novel Influenza A H1N1 presents a risk of serious harm to public health and if it spreads in the community severe public health consequences may result.

The Department has determined that it is necessary to quarantine your movement to a specific facility to prevent further spread of this disease. The Department has determined that quarantine in your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable because [insert the reason home quarantine is not acceptable, the person violated a previously issued home quarantine order, the person does not have an appropriate home setting conducive to home quarantine, etc.] The Department is therefore ordering you to comply with the following provisions during the entire period of quarantine:

Furthermore, when the commissioner or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction determines that either or both of the following measures are necessary to prevent a serious danger to the public health the commissioner or local public health authority may exercise the following authority: (1) to vaccinate or provide precautionary prophylaxis to individuals as protection against communicable disease and to prevent the spread of communicable or possibly communicable disease, provided that any vaccine to be administered must not be such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm to the affected individual? and (2) to treat individuals exposed to or infected with disease, provided that treatment must not be such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm to the affected individual.

An individual who is unable or unwilling to submit to vaccination or treatment shall not be required to submit to such procedures but may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health, as determined by the commissioner, or a local public health authority operating within its jurisdiction. (c) Furthermore, when the commissioner or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction determines that either or both of the following measures are necessary to prevent a serious danger to the public health, the commissioner or local public health authority may exercise the following authority:

(1) to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated any individual?provided that decontamination measures must be by the least restrictive means necessary to protect the public health and must be such as are not reasonably likely to lead to serious harm to the affected individual? and (2) to perform physical examinations, tests, and specimen collection necessary to diagnose a disease or condition and as certain whether an individual presents a risk to public health.

Whenever the commissioner, or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction,

determines that an individual or group of individuals has or may have a disease or condition dangerous to the public health or is or may be infected with an agent of such a disease or condition, which disease or condition is transmissible between people and poses a serious danger to public health, the commissioner, or a local public health authority may order such individual or group to be isolated or quarantined. An order for isolation or quarantine may include any individual who is unwilling or unable to undergo vaccination, precautionary prophylaxis, medical treatment, decontamination, medical examinations, tests, or specimen collection and whose refusal of one or more of these measures poses aserious danger to public

health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed toor is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health. The order may be a verbal order in exigent circumstances, and in such case it shall be followed by a written order as soon as reasonably possible. The written order shall be delivered personally, but if that is not possible, it shall be delivered in a manner that is reasonably calculated to notify the individual or group of it. In the case of a group, this may include delivery through the mass media and posting in a place where group members are reasonably likely to see it.

An officer authorized to serve criminal process may arrest without a warrant any person whom the officer has probable cause to believe has violated an order for isolation or quarantine and shall use reasonable diligence to enforce such order.
Law enforcement authorities, upon order of the commissioner or his agent or at the request of a local public health authority pursuant to such order, shall assist emergency medical technicians or other appropriate medical personnel in the involuntary transportation of such person to the treatment center. No law enforcement authority or medical personnel shall be held criminally or civilly liable as a result of an act or omission carried out in good faith in reliance on said order.

It shall not be a defense to a prosecution for this offense that the commissioner or the local public health authority erroneously determined that noncompliance would pose a serious danger to public health, if the commissioner or local public health authority was acting in good faith under color of official authority.……

Bottom line: If people refuse to take the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine, will people be arrested and have to go to jail? It is said now in New York that people who refuse to receive it may face losing their jobs. Will we as well? We must do our homework! The time to act is now! There is another website to go to sign a petition to stop this law and reclaim our rights NOT to accept the Swine Flu Vaccine! There is much information out there that everyone needs to know BEFORE they even think about receiving this Vaccine! We need to get informed, stay informed and be prepared for the coming of the Lord! Blessings!

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