Ministries Adopting Ministries/Sharing True Partnerships



 (Our spirit to your spirit)


Kingdom Greetings We are Spirit 2 Spirit. This message is not a form of advertisement, it is a genuine attempt to reach out to minister to souls with the gifts God has given us! We are simple loving souls, praying to be part of the light in life. There is nothing we love more than to help others!  Whatever the situation...Know Love is the Key!

We are first and foremost a ministry!

We are founders of a Music Ministry called Spirit 2 Sprit.

Spirit 2 Spirit is the Vision of two brothers… We love the Lord!
We live to share the love and hope that exist in a life of joyful purpose...
Our Vision is to establish a new genre of music called
"Message Music"

This is our passion and our Purpose…

Message Music’s message is…God Is…God Lives! 

It is our duty in Christ to share this Ministry
Message Music is designed to inspire one to seek a personal relationship with God thru the spirit with a message of truth….in Jesus Christ Welcome to the World of "Message Music"     


You can share with us, any issue, vision, or idea you have in mind!

Please allow us to share part of our vision with you. These thoughts have been laid on my heart thru the spirit, from real life experiences that have been shared with us.

I have very little regard for Ministries, Pastors, Churches, Evangelist, International Ministries, Charities ect… Who have the support of loving charitable Christian people, by way of Tithes, donations, gifts, pledges and the like, (whether they be from the poor, average, or well to do) but don’t operate with a true sense of giving.

We ourselves have a giving spirit and have supported International and Mega Ministries but their help doesn’t trickle down to help those in need in my community!  How about yours? It may never happen!  I know folk who have tithed religiously with their church, and when faced with personal hardship have been directed to seek help from The Department of Social Services….Sad but True!


After viewing countless Religious/Spiritual programs, Concerts, Testimonies, Websites, documentaries, and the like, on mega Christian Networks like TBN and CBN and receiving emails like this one:


Give a sacrificial PRAISE OFFERING -- sow a seed of faith of $20 or more today into the Breakthrough ministry -- to help me proclaim the Gospel to a lost and dying world through our TV broadcast ... and I will send you Angels Unemployed, a three-DVD video series that I believe will lead to angelic help ...

Give a sacrifice of praise to God, and sow your sacrificial seed of...


After having contacted and made Pledges and Donations to Ministries of this kind, like countless others have wanting to help those in need. I realized they ask you to partner with them in their efforts to spread the Gospel. I wondered what it really meant when they said partner with us?

 I believe good things are being done, but where is the partnership?  You give, but it is as if you are paying for a product or service.  I have personally tried to contact some of these organizations to solicit some feedback with my concerns and vision to no avail.


Now, having founded a Musical Ministry, as we began to network and ask people for support for the Ministry, we felt as though we were doing the very same thing, and we know we want to inspire people to seek a personal relationship with God and help those in need, for we live in a time where there is GREAT NEED!

What God has put on our hearts is this… A true partnership with a Ministry, Church, foundation (ect…

The universal truth is, it is in our giving we receive. It is the charge of every Ministry to take what is donated to them to do for others in need. So it is every Ministries responsibility to give., however, if your ministry is in lack there is little you can do to help.  If Ministries include other ministries in their giving, it will allow additional funds for their causes….A simple example, if we give to Ministry X this month, Ministry X  will have those funds to work with that Month, in turn,  if  Ministry X gives to our Ministry next month,  ours will have those funds to work with that month. So, If this simple exercise of giving is adopted among many Ministries, a guaranteed flow of income will be in motion for the Ministries to operate with, not counting the individual donations/pledges, or donations/pledges made by companies for tax purposes. Meaning every ministry should have the giving go both ways, so the giving helps all involved.  Example:  We have a music Ministry, so we donate and pledge by way of Concert and Cd Revenue along with Benefit performances and fund raising events.  We can also include an exchange of link posts to one another’s websites for traffic promotion for Donations and Pledges to one another, not just one way giving..

For individuals who give with no organization affiliation, they should be given personal assistance when needed and always be given a gift!   I believe this is a true Spirit of giving that will add integrity, blessings and honor to the building of the Kingdom.

We truly need a unified effort for this to work…Please give us your honest input regarding this matter…

Ministries Giving Ministries!  Excellent!

We live in a time where the need is so great. Natural disasters and horrific situations are spanning the globe, so we want to do our part by focusing on our own community. 

How many folks do you know who are struggling with the necessities in life, right in your own community?

It has been placed on our hearts to ask everyone who is connected in any way to a Church, Ministry, or Charitable organization to  incorporate this vision of giving to help those who duties in Christ are to unconditionally help those in need !!!


Hopefully this message will be the defining hour in your life! 

Thank you for your indulgence,…I pray this message will lead to great accomplishments for the Glory of God…

May God bless and keep you…Peace


Please feel free to visit our website to acquaint yourself with our efforts....When you visit our site please click on our Ministry tab to see what we are attempting to accomplish…We would like to add your Ministry or charitable organization to the list!


You can reach us at this email address as well:

We are asking everyone to please call your local Christian/Gospel/ stations to request to play our music…That will be a great help in our cause….To reach and give those in need!  Thank you…

I apologize for the length of this message, but we feel very strongly about this!

Can you please take this vision to a Christian conference and share it?


Your family in Christ...

Mike & Denny Jenkins/Spirit 2 Spirit



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