In 1849 gold was discovered in the hills and mountains of California. What ensued was one of the most massive onslaughts of migration in U.S. history. People from as far away as the original 13 colonies, sold all and left all, to pursue a dream of get rich or die trying.
Homes were sold or auctioned off to procure the funds that would allow even the most domesticated of city dweller the opportunity to strike it rich in the untamed California wilderness. Covered wagons treked across the plains and desert, snaking through rivers and over mountains. For those whom wagons and horse teams could not be afforded, a work horse or pack mule. For the less fortunate, walking would be suffice. The lure of buried treasure became the denominating factor. Rich or poor, old or young, by train, wagon, horse, mule or on foot, all fared as equals in the dusty mountains. All rallied by one call, "California or bust."
As we journey through this christian life, it becomes evident that we all will not arrive at our destination by the same means or route. For as great as the similarities of our faith and beliefs that bind us together are, there are differences that are as numerous as the sands by the sea. We all have had an individual and personal encounter with the spirit of God that has led us to except Christ as our savior.
But how did we arrived at this point? Only the one who has lived and experienced it is able to give that testimony.
Some made decisions in early life to take Christ into their lives. Some have never known anything but the love of God in their hearts. While others have taken our Lord into their lives to fill the void that only He can fill. But there are also those, whom after being dejected and beaten by every thing life had to offer, after being broken and torn and cast out by society, have found comfort, peace and acceptance in Christ.
To help illustrate the extreme differences of our past behaviors, and how through Christ, we have all been brought into one body, Jesus in Matt. 20: 1-16, taught his disciples. Using a parable of a vineyard owner who hired workers during the early morning to harvest his field. At noon, upon seeing that there was still much work to be done the owner hired more workers to aide in the harvest, offering them the same wages as those who had started at daybreak. As the day grew to an end, the owner, knowing that there was much left undone, went out and hired still more workers, again, offering to pay them the same as all the others.
At days end as the vineyard owner payed all of his employees the wages he had promised, some workers grumbled and complained on the unfairness of the wages. After all they reasoned "We bore the brunt of the work. We've been here all day in the hot sun laboring loyally, and yet he gives these guys who just got here, and did hardly no work at all, the same wages as us.
Upon hearing the complaints of some of the workers, the vineyard owner rebuked them saying, "How is it you think I'm unfair? Didn't you agree to work for these wages? Have I forced you to work against your will? Why are you upset because of my generosity, isn't it my money to do as I will?"
Now, more than two thousand years later, after leaps and bounds in medicine, science and technology, after drastic changes in diet, fashion and customs, human nature hasn't changed. By nature, we still tend to allow feelings of superiority or inferiority to dictate our relationships. By nature we allow the differences in the body of Christs' members to be viewed through micro lenses, and by nature we use the incidents of the past as a gage for what the Fathers reward should be.
Isn't it obvious, you can not earn Gods forgiveness or favor. Acts says " the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus."
Please, stop looking at ourselves and others by what we deserve or what our brothers or sisters deserve, and began to see ourselves and others as unwarranted recipients of Gods goodness, grace and mercy.
We have all gotten to where we are in Christ by different ways and means, but thank God, our means of transportation has nothing to do with our destination.
Its heaven or bust!
“Our means of transportation, has nothing to do with our destination.”
Jerry Hunt
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