Yesterday I seen a brutal beating of an innocent young boy which took place in my city. The main reason why I am so passionate in trying to get GRCAM up and running this year is because I don’t want to see another person go through what I been through. The humiliation, the lack of support from established black organizations etc… In chapter ten in my book I discuss the road map. This is the most important chapter in the book because I lay out all of the principles that everyone must accept in order for The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement to be effective under capitalism. In GRCAM I will build a personal connection with all my clients and my members to make sure that they are reaching their life goals and that me and my staff will be dedicated in delivering goods and services in the black ghetto to single black mothers and single black fathers.


The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is similar to the struggles of the Civil Rights Movement. Back then our people and others went down to the south to help our southern brothers and sisters to stand up against Jim Crow. Today, I am unable to find anyone in my city to work with me nor have I found anyone from the many social networks I am on to stand with me. I still seek 30 people in the United States that have read my book and agree with my vision and all of the principles to come to Chicago and join my board of directors or my advisory board so that we can turn my vision into reality. The main reason why nothing is working to end gun violence is because our community and our people are divided we can’t agree on anything. In GRCAM my board and our clients and members will all be on the same page and speak with one voice. I am only one man I can’t do this alone even Jesus had twelve disciples assisting him.


I just don’t know how long it will take before I have my board in place but all I can do is to continue to push my book and keep spreading my vision to all that will listen. My family members have been trying to persuade me to leave GRCAM alone because I could get hurt or killed. I tell them that in the book of Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. If a CEO from Wall Street offers me twenty five million dollars to just go ago and leave GRCAM be I will tell me to go to hell principles over money. The dollar is devalued due to inflation for I have come not to improve this current system but to offer an alternative system which is GRCAM. Those of you who are non-spiritual you have the right to reject Jesus. You also have a choice to go to hell that’s between you and your maker. My task is to unite those who want real change in our community if I can’t get 30 people to help me run GRCAM I will take 10 people to join my board of directors or my advisory board. If our people fail to embrace GRCAM I predict within 50 years our people that are trapped in American ghettos will become extinct if current trends continue.


My creator will hold those who have rejected my vision accountable with blood on their hands for failure to intervene. The bottom line I have the answer which my creator has given me in order for it to come to pass I need my management team in place so that we can offer goods and services to the communities we plan to serve and the community must help us put our political team in office. If we are not been shot down like animals we are beaten like animals. Lord knows I am doing all that I can to get others involved with my cause “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos” I can’t just sit back and give up just because people are afraid of these urban terrorist who continue to terrorize our community. It’s because we continue to allow the financial elites to make the rules that don’t apply to them. This is why capital punishment has not work it’s the system that’s the problem. Under GRCAM there will be no crime because everyone will have equal access to resources. Those who try to cause harm to others with gun violence we will have those few people strip of their U.S. citizenship and deported to the North Pole. I will be using an un-orthodox method in dealing with these social problems within GRCAM. Our focus is on the black ghetto and the black family. Those of you who want to be part of this new movement send me your name and contact number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers than send me your Yahoo email and we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype.


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Comment by Rev.Robert Wilson on January 26, 2012 at 4:32am
My young brother I feel your pain. Yes, God is raisings up new leaders. It seems that the old leader have fad away when Dr. Martin Luther King pass. It seen each year it gets worse. Some Fathers are not in the homes. Our young boys need that male figure in the homes. Some moms cannot handle all of that pressure. Working, keeping the kids in school, buying clothing, doing it all by herself and so she give up.
We black Americans must come together and bring unity back in the home and in our community. There’s a group of guys are doing the same thing that you are trying to do and this group of Black Americans are call Black fathers. We are reaching out to every father across the country to take responsibility in their area to pull fathers together to strengthen the black family home and community. Please get on board with these groups of men who are doing wonderful things in their own area to better their community by reaching out to fathers in their area.
We started with our on family first to get all fathers in our immediately family first to be responsible to bring in one friend to the meeting. You know like everything else it started slow but it is picking up. Hoping we can reach out to other black family members who have dads,sons,cousins that are not doing what they are supposed to be doing in the home to change the course to be responsible to their family ties.
So my young brother I am with you anything that I can do are say to save one boy, dads, moms or a family from destruction let me know. I will be glad to come to speak on crimes in our neighbor and how important family ties are. I know we can change our lives; only thing we just have to do is to ask Jesus to come into our lives.

God bless
Rev. Robert Wilson
Comment by Evang. Felecia Spaulding on January 26, 2012 at 2:15am

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