The Healingwaters Ministries...IT IS FINISHED! Word Given to me.

IT IS FINISHED!!!! A word Given to me By the Lord!

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Posted: 02 Feb 2008 01:32 pm Post subject: IT IS FINISHED!!!! A word Given to me By the Lord!

Entry for OCTOBER 3 2007

God Bless You All in this Glorious Day we are Living in,


We are a Non-Denomiational Site. Everyone Is Welcomed Here.!

We pray that you will be blessed going through our site.Also we have great Links to Other Sites . God Bless You, EveryDay!

Sharon D.

Come and Join in as Friends , Sisiter, And Bothers!!

Friday August 24, 2007

Entry for May 25, 2007~ Healing Waters MINISTRIES
Welcome BELOVED, Of The Father's Kingdom

We pray that your will recieve many blessings, while on your journey through this site,and May Our Father Bless you all in every way, every day!

Feel free to EMAIL me if you would like to be joined here with us here.

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In My Prayer Hour,I Heard These Words From The Lord!


Jesus Said, "I came NOT to Destroy, But to Fulfill! "

"Think not that I come to destroy the Law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to 'fulfill. For Verily I say unto you, Till Heaven and Earth Pass,one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, Till all be fufilled." (Mathew 5:17,1

"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the Law, For Sin is the transgresstion of the Law." (1John 3:4)

Father who is our Precious Holy One, Open Our hearts, that we may come to understand they teachings Lord, And your Pure Truth of your WORD! Teach us Father yout Truth concerning the Law and Grace. For we Know the Traditions of Men destroy your truth, And they cannot divide your Word rightly.

It is by Your Spirit Father, that will lead us into all Truth. Hallelujah!

And those who are of a" carnal mind "cannot understand the deep things of the Spirit. Let us pray, the Holy Spirit; will open our hearts and ears, that we may "hear" His Word in the Scriptures. All Scripture is by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit. and for true understanding and interpertation and and Revlation, of this truth, Beloved, our hearts have been given the Gift of LOVE Of The TRUTH!

Father We ask you right now to reveal and uncover and show how various Scripture passages really do fit together. And cause us to ponder with a prayerful heart to consider the SUM TOTAL of Your holy WORD , that we may arrive at Truth., We love you, Lord Jesus Christ, for you are TRUTH....And the WAY and The LIFE. Glory Hallelujah!!


What does 'Fulfill' really mean?

TO Be Continued!

Also See My Full Testimony on page 26 and it continues, God Bless You .

Word July 18/07



I heard in my Spirit these words three times, and I heard Him Speak this following words from the Lord,

It Is Finished! I alone have "accomplished" everything My Father had for me to do while I walking among with you, I have left nothing undone,Rise up my Sons and Daughters, and come unto me and Rest! For I have already prepared the way for you, come into My chambers and rest.

It IS Finished! Cease now from all your worldly labourings, and your daily tasks, REST IN ME! For I will give thee rest. Now is the hour that you will come and sit with Me and learn of Me. For I will supply all your needs, Eat My Bread (manna) and thirst not, drink of my New Wine, (of the spirit) be ye filled with this New Bread and Wine in this hour it is given to you fresh daily.

It Is Finished! I have poured out My anointing on thee, go forth, go forth, and come into My Secret Chamber where I will sup with thee, and the Bread and Wine will fill thee even in your driest desert places where I have filled to overflowing love, and I have supplied all your needs in this day, ye shall be made strong, Eat the New Meat of My Word be ye Filled of Me, for my Word shall never fail thee. Drink of the Water of Life till thou thirst no more.. come un to ME all my Children. I say come!

Come unto ME and REST! Given to Rev.Cher

A new Word Continued from THE ANOINTING AT THE ALTAR Pt2,


By the time you come to the Place of Fellowship and Worship, and you are communing with Jesus, The SPIRIT at the Altar of Incense, you are intertwined with all the Elements there.

You beloved are the censer holding the burning coals, and the fire providing the instrument by which the offering is transformed into smoke.

But you also bring the incense, your prayer, your works, your Worship, and intercession which you offer up.

Beloved you are the Altar God is creating to mingle with to atone, (Hallelujah!)

JESUS is: each piece in the Tabernacle and as we travel through the Tabernacle in the process we become ONE with HIM.

And Yet all of these identities Stem from the sacrifice of the "Precious LAMB on the Brazen Altar.

The Purpose of the Altar as stated in the Book of Exodus Chapter 30, verse 1 was "TO burn incense upon" Sweet incense every morning (7) and at even ( But "ye shall offer no strange incense thereon, nor burnt scarifice, nor meat offering; neither shall ye pour drink offering thereon." (9),

Beloved this is no alter that we are to make fire upon, On the DAY of ATONMENT, it was Aaron who was instructed to "Take a cense full of Burning coals from OFF the altar before The LORD and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small and bring it within the veil.(Lev. 16:12)

the Burnt Offering that was on the Brazen altar burned all night and into the morning. The coals were what was left of the process of the burnt Sacrifice.

Aaron's son's Nadab and Abihu, had offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not and there went out a FIRE that devoured them and they died. (Lev. 10:1-2).

WORD* STRANGE* in the Strongs means= zuwr; "to turn aside, hence to be a foreigner, strang, profane, spec. to commit adultry." They did not get the coals in the instructed manner, The FIRE that they started, burned them up. In the Offering, at the altar of Incense the coals must be derivrd from the sacrifice of OUR Precious Lord and Savior.

In the Process there must be an acknowledgement of the sacrifice made by JESUS.

There has to be the attitude like as Moses had, "Then Moses said unto Aaron, this is it that the Lord spake, Saying, I wil be sanctified in them that come nigh unto Me, and before all people I will be Glorified." (Lev. 10:3)

What he was saying here is that , I will be treated holy by those coming near Me and I will be honored before all people." Unless you deem the LORD Holy, you can not go near Him. "...It The "altar" is most holy unto the Lord. (Ex. 30:10).

Beloved, JESUS had to sacrifice His life on the Cross in order for there to be a remission of our Sins. (AMEN?)

This was the Shedding of His blood. As we meditate on this it should make us feel HUMBLE, Obedient, and having a heart that serves the Lord. This is the"FIRE" you burn the incense on.In the Book of John, 6:39, says, JESUS said, With all that He has given Me, I should lose nothing but raise it up again at the last day."

What did Jesus mean in this staement here? He was sharing about "Everything in knowledge, and Wisdom, Etc. that I have recieved of the FATHER I will raise up in Earthen Vessels "My people" on the Last Day!" Hallelujah!! "And this is the will of Him that sent Me, that everyone which seeth the Son and believeth on Him,may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up on the last day." Hallelujah!!

It is JESUS who will raise all up in the Last Day. But he needs to have an earthen Vessel that is ready with the proper attitude , be willing, and empty to unite that one with Him at the Altar of Incense.

And in closing, We Must present our body as a living sacrifice , that is holy and acceptable unto God. (Rom. 12:1).

Bless you all! Have a Wonderful blessed Day and everyday! Rev.Cher

GOD BLESS All The Children In the World, We are so fortunate that we are able in our blessed Country Canada, that Our Children can attend regular Schools, I.E. Public, Christian, Home Schooling.

Let us Pray right now!! for all the children who are less fortunate and cannot go to school, reasons may be poor country, or lack of funds, or are sick children. Let us lift them all up to the Father and ask ourselves, Lord What can we do to help these little ones that are so precious in your sight? Well Beloved, if you have a charity, or are a group you support, for fostering, or just to send help to these Children so, they are in such need of our Love and Support. also we can donate School supplies to many different organizations. Through your local Churches and public Schools.

God Bless you all, as you prepare your Children for a new exciting School Year. May the Lord Bless all your Homes in this country as well as abroad. In Jesus Name, God Bless You!

Your Sister and In Christ , REV. Cher


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Comment by CHER on April 16, 2009 at 7:06am
Dear Brother Van Theman, I did not understand the meaning of this message .. can you please Explain to me your full meaning.? Did I offend you? Cher
Comment by Evang. Felecia Spaulding on April 16, 2009 at 3:50am
Amen ....God Bless!



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