You must accept that God's way is the best way, " But more than anything else, put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well." ( St. Matthew 6:33 )
If you will always put God first, this is what He desires for you, "And the Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods, the Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure."In the same verse, we read, "and to bless all the work of thine hand. " ( Deuteronomy 28:11,12 )
We at times want to do things our way, without acknowledging God, yet in the process we become misdirected and ultimately fail at what we attempt.
Because of our egos, we believe our way is the best way and God lets us. But God always has a better way if we would only listen first.
By listening to God first through the "Spirit", you are taking the limits off God and showing Him that you have radical faith, trust, and belief.
Therefore, you release your faith in a uncommon way and once you take the limits off of God, you will be taken to places you never dreamed of.
You must continue to trust in the Lord by following the leading of the Holy Spirit who has been sent to lead you into all truth. ( John 8: 32 )
Only the Holy Ghost Coach can assist and prepare you to endure in running the race. ( Hebrew 12:1-4 )
The word "endurance" here means "patience." This is not a kind of patience that sits down and accepts things but the patience which masters them. It is a determination which goes on steadily and refuses to be defeated irregardless of the handicaps, condition of the track, obstacles in our path, or how bad the weather. It is this steadfast endurance that decides not to quit.
However, we must put God first to be able to receive it.
Do you know who you are ?
Do you know you're a child of the Most High ?
Do you not know that you are worthy to have such a Glorious Coach?
"For the kingdom of God is no meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost". ( Romans 14:17 )
God's Spirit is your bread, your bread is the "Word", and God has prepared a table for you !
When you don't put God first you are subject to experience set-backs and this is no surprise to God. When you let the Master step in and set-up, God will put the supernatural with your natural.
You can't do it alone. Your giant will defeat you anytime you tackle him in your own strength. Don't look at God in the light of your giant, look at your giant in the light of God.
Whom are you feeding in your heart ? Whom are you nourturing in your life ?
Is it God's Word or your own Wisdom ?
Do you know who you are ?
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