The Journey of Life

part 1

When we awaken to the journey of Life our universe changes. Up til
then we were just sleep walking in some dream, whether it be in the
religious or the secular world. As we come to see life as a journey,
not just from birth to the grave, but as an experience, it begins to
unfold. We awaken to the reality we are spirits lowered into this
earth realm and given a body to live in. Its like we are put in a
basket, which becomes "EGO" and we spend our lives dressing up the
basket for others to see. This becomes the illusion we live in. As
the ego (man of mistaken identity standing in our temple) is
uncovered we begin to find the reality of our being.

We were always told there’s something wrong with our being here so
religion began to teach this is a bad place and we must get out and
go to heaven. Someone has to ask, if so why did we come. We came to
experience this planet and our human existence not run from it
because of fear. It is a school for the Elohim and we have many
vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor, everyone has a part to play.

The problem we have encountered is the impermanence of what we call
matter. At 15 we are invincible, even 40 but soon it becomes so
immaterial that it is ever disintegrating right before our eyes.
It’s not solid so it’s in a constant state of change. So man went
about trying to fix the form so it would last longer, that would
endure. Paul puts it this way in 2 Corinthians 5:1-4 (Amplified)
“For we know that if the tent which is our earthly home (our
vehicle, our body) is dissolved, we have from God a building, a house
not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. In this present abode
(body) we sigh and groan inwardly, because we yearn to be clothed
over--- to put on our celestial body like a garment, to be fitted out-
-- with our heavenly dwelling; So that by putting it on we may not be
found naked--- without a body. For while we are still in this tent,
we groan under the burden and sigh deeply--- weighed down, oppressed;
not that we want to put off the body (the clothing of the Spirit) but
rather that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal (our
dying body) may be swallowed up by life.” This is our hope.

So we have been given the possibility of 70 years maybe 80. Even
seventy years is a long time, for it is beset with millions of man-
made laws… which are constantly working against it. From the day
the little temple is put on earth, it is weighted down with a
thousand-and-one-laws and don'ts. It is so filled with fears and
beliefs that its whole life is one long effort to fight a force
called "evil, knowing all the while it is playing a losing game.
Sickness, misfortune, and disease stalk the land, and no matter what
man does, or tries to do, he can find no exact remedy for it. What he
finds, works sometimes, and fails at others. He is only a pawn of
chance; and yet he is taught, along with all this fear, that he has
some sort of power to fight this evil.

Walter Lanyon put it this way, “Struggling through this quagmire
man suddenly hears that he must learn to "think right," be "healed"
or "prospered," or something else, so he tries this, and for the
moment becomes drunken with the offers made by the various systems of
new thought. But the little temple has only a very limited capacity
of absorption and the moment it has reached a point of saturation; it
is through; and man dismisses it all by sighing, "It doesn't work any
more." A few years ago a noted French scientist set the world agog by
giving it a very simple little affirmation with which to suggest that
everything was all right, and that each day increased
this "rightness." The slogan ran through the world like a breeze of
fresh air, and thousands could testify as to its efficacy; then it
reached a point of saturation and that was the end. Cure-alls of
every sort have been applied to man's misfortunes with some measure
of success, but finally the old "devil," futility, overtakes him, and
he sees there is nothing to any of it but belief, and that as long as
he can feed a belief with concentrated thought he can in some measure
sustain that picture in the universe. Strangely enough, he can hold
pictures of evil into place with comparative ease! It is
much "easier" to be sick, sinning, fearful, poor, than it is to be
rich, happy, well and so forth. Yet on Sunday and perhaps other days
he makes prayers to a GOD whom he claims is All-present, All-
powerful, and All-knowing.

Why? Because it has lost it connection with the ONE. It is the rose
cut from the parent stalk, and no matter how fresh it looks, and how
long kept fresh on ice or in water, it begins dying the moment it is
cut from the bush. And so man is gradually finding out that he is a
dying manifestation, and that hour by hour he is losing everything
worthwhile in the manifest world. To offset this, he stacks up a huge
fortune and fancies he is accomplishing something. But this fortune,
too, is subject to every evil law and condition, and man has no rest,
and finally finds himself helpless while a flock of dogs and vultures
pull the "body" of his estate to pieces, fight each other, sue each
other, and sometimes kill each other for the filthy lucre of his
accumulation. It is not a nice picture to contemplate, but, at that,
it is nothing new. You know it, have wondered at it many times and
then, because you could do nothing about it, have closed your eyes to
it and said glibly, "I will not judge from appearances." Well, what
you say doesn't make any difference. It is what one can do from the
height of the revelation given by Jesus Christ that counts. Jesus,
the carpenter, came, recognizing this shifting, impermanent nature of
matter, with all its foibles and fears, and to this He brought a
panacea. He revealed the fact that man, created in the image and
likeness of God, is given dominion over everything in the universe.
Whatever took place in the parable of the Garden of Eden was a choice
on the part of the ADAM (you) and your mate (EVE), the knowing (Adam)
and the feeling (Eve) elements of your make-up. And by this "free
will" did you let yourself out of the Garden into a world of the
manifestation of separation. In other words, you decided to "go it on
your own," and accordingly you separated yourself from your Permanent

Since which time you have wandered through all sorts of characters
and worlds and lives, carried on by the impetus of your desire. But
as the energy of this desire was spent, man saw no source from which
to draw a fresh supply, and so, after eons of time, he began to look
again for that which he had so foolishly forsaken. For a day or two
he has been doing this----the measure of Spirit being a "thousand
years is but a day," but to the human thought, centuries.

When the discovery of your Permanent Identity is again made, you will
find time rolling up as a scroll and vanishing, together with its
strange and terrible history and all the false faces, and masks, or
personalities you have worn. Even now you stand on the threshold of
this New Day and are beginning to see how it is that the change in
matter takes place. There are, as has been explained before, the
three states--Son, Father, God. The Father and SON are ONE. God is
the great universal Power in all and through all and which is stepped
down into visibility through this hook-up of Father and Son. Matter,
the body, with its changing thought, is suddenly fused with Spirit,
the Soul, and "the WORD becomes flesh." In other words, "matter" is
changed into FLESH. "Yet in my flesh shall I SEE God," and the
transmutation immediately gives Spirit a chance to materialize its
desires, and at the same time lifts the erstwhile "matter" condition
into a level of consciousness where the "former things are passed
away and shall not come into mind, nor be remembered any more."
Succinctly: the capacity to cognize evil as a power is

completely deleted; there is nothing in the "Flesh" or the
resurrected Temple body which can or does contact or permit a contact
with the former belief in evil. In the absolute, "flesh" cannot
manifest disease. It has not the capacity to experience it. The
limitations of human language cause us to use a word in many
different ways, with as many meanings. "Flesh," as we speak of it
here, is the perfect manifestation of spirit being "made flesh" and
matter being made spirit, a fusing of the two, just as yeast and
flour finally are neither yeast nor flour, but are bread. So
this "flesh" is that substance which is not capable of experiencing
all the beliefs to which "matter" is heir. It has no capacity to earn
its living by "the sweat of its brow," for it "does not live by bread
alone but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God."

There comes a certain moment in the experience of every person. when
a touch of the Spirit breaks through into consciousness; when a ray
of light penetrates, not because of the person, but in spite of Him.
From the moment that ray touches him, the end is inevitable…. As He
is going to find his way to the very center of his being, right to
the throne of God.
Posted By Rev. Cher Sterling

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