Happy New Year! What an amazing opportunity to begin anew. This is a time when each of us are given the opportunity to embark upon a fresh start!
The mission theme of our ministry is "No Limits To My Vision and Dreams in 2013". And while I believe the vision and dreams the Lord places within us, is of utmost importance-the key word in this mission is
MY. The hope and trust is that in this year, we focus on the individual assignment deposited within our lives. I honor the fact that many of us serve corporately within the vision of a ministry, leader and/or source of employment.

Let's focus on why have you been placed in this particular environment. What has God placed within you that the ministry in which you serve need? What has the Lord developed in your character that the leader you are serving need? What in your Christian walk has placed you in your place of employment, that the company is enhanced by your presence?
1 Corinthians 2:9
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
This scripture is a fulfillment of the prophecy spoken in Isaiah 64:4. The Prophet Isaiah proclaimed this blessing for those who wait upon the Lord. When the Apostle Paul reiterated the message, he pronounced this awesome opportunity for those that love our Father. This is an example of true patience and love on behalf of one who imparts into our lives unlimited visions and dreams.
Should we view this scripture as a personal mission for 2013, I believe our assignments would be more meaningful and not just mechanical.
- The human eye has not captured the view of where you're going; because there is nothing to compare it to!
- The human ear has never heard the sound of the clarion call upon your life; because there are no decibels by which to measure it!
- The human heart cannot conceive the level of the mantle upon your life; because your heart is measured by regular beats and not irregular, unexplainable occurrences or miracles!

This is why it is so important to view with a spiritual eye, hear with a spiritual ear and listen to the heartbeat of God. The level of intensity of which we are traveling, does not allow for our seasons to be wasted, our visions to be diminished, or dreams to be tattered, nor our hearts to be broken.
In this new year, make a commitment to our Lord and Savior, that "whatever he places within your hands-that you work it with all your might." (Eccl 9:10) Guess what?
Some may not understand it...even those you thought would, may not.There will be those who will ridicule you. There will be those who may say..."Oh I could do that"..what they didn't know was that, you've been given grace for your gift". On the other hand, there will be those who will celebrate the Christ in you, and will applaud what is evident in your life...there will be those who will HELP!
Never mistake "helpful people" with "hungry people". Those that help in earnest will be an asset to your assignment. Those who help in "hunger" will attempt to devour your assignment in one setting, and when you see it again, it will be regurgitated as a resemblance of them. Know the difference, seek God for guidance as to who goes in the field with you.
This is a season to no limits to "YOUR" vision and dreams...walk therein.....and I trust by doing so we each shall...
Walk In Power Into This Brand New Year!!!
Pastor BJ
Proofreading and Editing:
Evangelist Denise Jackson/Charter Member WOP
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