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The Lady Is A Leader & She's On The Other Side-What About You?
Then the master said to the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges and urge and constrain [them] to yield and come in, so that my house may be filled.
~Luke 14:23 (AMP)
This particular chapter in scripture demonstrates how the “Master” healed on the Sabbath… Something Unheard Of! A dinner was prepared and the “familiar” people were not to be invited. Who does that? Lastly, a great dinner was prepared and everyone had an excuse as to why they couldn’t RSVP. Have you ever felt like you were on the other side and everyone else remained where you left them?
As a child of the 60’s, I have had the opportunity to view numerous changes in society and technology. I was the one who thought everything could be accomplished with a Brothers typewriter and a Texas Instrument calculator.
I can recall when my parents, who were in their 50’s when I arrived, stated to me that their parents called television “the one-eyed devil”. I am fully familiar with placing a coin on the arm of the turn-table, so that a scratched record or LP (Long-Playing Album) would play properly. I was not upset that an 8-track made the harshest sound between one recording to the next track. Why not? Well, because, this was a part of the experience of the moment.
We now are in the age of social media, iPads, Smartphones, and numerous other forms of technology which allow us to go into the highways (the internet is the information highway), and into the hedges; areas which we may have never had the opportunity to conquer, due to various life restraints.
It’s so good to KNOW your assignment, and to be confident in the manner God has given you. The Word of God states the servant was asked to:
GO: Take action. Your go may be within your family, but go! Your go may be within the walls of a ministry, but go! Your go may be television, radio, social and/or physical media, but whatever form you’ve been given to transport His Word… GO!
INTO THE HIGHWAYS AND HEDGES: There is a fertile ground for the Word God has given you; your anointing must travel. Don’t allow it to remain dormant, because your gift is diverse. There are those along the highway, and those who may be buried within the hedges, who have a NEED for what God has given you!
COMPEL-URGE-CONSTRAIN THEM TO COME: Social networking can be used as one of the greatest forms of Evangelism. The key is to remain consistent; remain in a position of compelling them to come to Christ. Develop a spirit on Social Media so that when you post, or present a statement, it results in a yielding of the recipient’s spirit.
SO THAT MY HOUSE MAY BE FILLED: There is a reason for why you do what you do. The purpose is to bring such as should be saved into the kingdom.
However, we must be cautious that we don’t discourage someone else who may be reaching a group of people; or even one person you are not assigned to serve. I believe the founders of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope and various other social media communities, may not have realized how much of an open door their platform would provide for the Kingdom.
We must be mindful not to condemn or speak harshly of others who have found a positive forum to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The ultimate goal is to lead others to Christ. While this may not be your chosen method of delivery, it does not mean it is not a productive form of delivery. Likewise, those who use social media (and the like) to communicate must not discourage and speak badly of those who don’t. There are numerous avenues to evangelize. Allow the Lord to speak to your heart as to which is best to support your assignment, and how you are to obtain good success therein.
Most forms of technology have the ability to allow Bible, Concordance, and Study Applications to assist each of us in carrying forth the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is not the exterior of bound leather, nor the interior of a distinct paper, which is the Bible. The Bible ‘contains’ The Word of God, so please remember that when compelling those to come… Jesus first stated, “…Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19) before Twitter was established. Also, before Facebook was founded, the character of friendship was established. “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly.” (Prov. 18:24)
The decision is truly yours; however, I would ask you to search yourself and become a Lady Leader, and come on over to…
The Other Side!
Thank you Evangelist, so thankful you were blessed, and I am most appreciative for allowing me the opportunity to post on your platform. Great! Great! Blessings!
Blessings of wisdom spoken through this word-blog. To God be the Glory. Such an honor to serve God through technology and learn that many are being Blessed. Let us continue oo in obedience to serve and fellowship through the spirit of Christ Jesus. God Bless you always Woman of God. Thanks for posting.
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"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever; forsake not the works of Thine own hands."
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