Dear friend have You ever found yourself in a cross road where you have giving up or have lost hope in everything and think God is no more in existence, well I have a good news for you. And the good news is that I have found the shortest root to come out of that problem that seems too difficult. First I would want you to listen to this short story of mine, do you know that the person writing to you now is in a heavy cross road where nothing seems to be working in my life? In fact my problem is so severe that everything is at a stand still. I would want you to take a deep breath and fasting your seat belt, because the secret am about to give you will make you come out of that problem that has been with you for ages and you will be an over comer once it is rightly applied.

I would want you to listen to the dream that I had last night; In my dream I was invited to a place to purchase some items for my wife’s shop, and on getting there I saw some dogs at the entrance of the house and the owner of the house to his amassment he saw me talking to his dogs that I leant are never friendly to anyone not even him the owner of the dogs, after that happened I was ushered into the warehouse and as I was pricing the items, then I had a very load voice behind the warehouse calling my name , the voice said that when I finish with the people in the warehouse that I should cross over to his side to see what he has for me, he even told me not to worry that I would not pay anything to have them if I like his items, I quickly rushed to the back of the warehouse, immediately I dashed out of the door, I saw so many people packing their goods they have purchased from the man that I had his voice, then I asked of him and I was directed to the inner chamber, as got to the inner chamber I was asked to open the door and enter I opened the door entered but met no one there, then I quickly attempted to come out, suddenly the doors was slashed at my face then I looked back and saw over 20 men and women been tied to an iron pole in the inner chamber, then I tried to force my way out as I have sensed danger but could not, I also tried to see if I can brake the roof and escape but could not even I was injured in my right finger, then as I was struggling to come out I saw a light that came behind me and want off immediately, I quickly followed the direction of the light, as I took up to my hills, something came into my mind that I should not forget that there is a name that is above all other name, that I love using all the time that at the mention of it, every knee shall bow, then I raised my voice with force and shouted JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, then I saw the light again as the place was dark with a writing Exit, Exit I raised my voice again and shouted JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, next thing I found myself at the entrance of the compound where I have entered from, and everybody was surprised at how I came out the chamber, then the dogs rushed to me again and asked me what do I want him to do, I said to the dogs in the name of JESUS bite your owner to death quickly the dogs jumped on the owner to my amassment even the horse joined the dogs to attack the owner of the warehouse. And that was how I came out that place in my dream.

Dearly Beloved I would want you to use my dream to know that, that problem which some times you think has giving up, but later surfaced just as I thought that my problems has ended when I was asked to come and take goods for my wife’s shop for free, but little did I know that it was a trap by the devil to end my life, today know it that if only you will act like me and remember that there is a name that is above all other name that at the mention of it every knee will bow both things on earth and in heaven even be nit the earth. Just raise up and apply that name on that problem, is it sickness, childlessness, disease, monetary problem, house problem, visa problem, joblessness name it, my dear believe it that with the name of JESUS all things are possible, believe me before I started writing this massage I had not even 10 Cedis, with me but could you believe it that as I am talking to you now someone came to my wife’s shop where I am using her computer to take goods of over 100 Cedis, went somewhere sold it and brought me the money, even promised to sale more, that is JESUS in action, isn’t it?, why don’t you give that name a trial today and see yourself coming out of that problem, just as I have rightly applied in my dream.


Beloved, try to be circumspect of every step you take because we live eat, drink and move in the midst of evil men and women and it is your duty to discern between good and evil, But how do you discern evil when Christ is not in you? And how do you use the name of JESUS to fight your problem or that difficult satiation that you found yourself
When CHRIST does not recognize you as one of HIS own? First accepting CHRIST as your Lord and personal Saviors is a must, and how do you do that? Please sincerely say this simple prayer. Oh Lord, Today I declare you as my Lord and personal Saviour I know I am a sinner, Lord cleanse me with your blood, I surrender my life to you today, Now I know I am saved.

You can also pray these prayers.

1; Oh Lord let the name of JESUS work for me any time I pray with it,
1; Oh Lord repair my Destiny by fire in the name of JESUS.
3: Oh Lord veil me from the eyes of my enemies in Jesus name.
4; Oh Lord arise and let all my problem vanish in Jesus name.

Number to call for help and prayers. +233-246847149.
Contact person: Evangelist Prince Wisdom.
Time 8.00 am to 10.00 am Monday to Friday GMT. God bless you.

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