Many Christians are separated and divided on almost every issue there is even when it comes to being Born Again..Some say you must be baptized in water, some say, you be be baptized in Jesus name only, some believer Jesus is only God and there is none other but him. Some believe in the Rapture of the Church will be pre-Trib, post-Trib and some believe there will be no Rapture but that the saint will go through the Tribulation period and they will be redeemed when Jesus returns to set up His coming Kingdom. I believe in Pre-trib and I will tell you why; There are many paralles in Scripture to such as when Moses was told by God for all the Hebrew people to kill a Passover Lamb and with it's blood, it was to be smitten against the lentels of their doorpost and when the Death Angel came through, He would see the blood and that house would not suffer the lost of their firstborn. We know that this was symbolic to what God would do by sending His Son Jesus, in order for all people to be spared of the spiritual death Angel! I believe the Holy Spirit is the greatest of all Teachers there is. He is fun, He is exciting, He makes it where you just hunger for more of what he has to say and what He is going to do next. Jesus had fun with him, remember when Jesus split in some dirt and made mud to put on the man's eyes who was blind? What about when Jesus told Peter to go Fishing and the first fish he caught to open it's mouth and there would be a gold coin, to go and pay their taxes..The Holy Spirit is so fun, I believe that if Christians would learn to walk with the Holy Spirit the way Jesus did, they would enjoy their Christian walk so much more! Anyway, let us examine the Rapture as it relates to Wedding Traditions of the Jewish People. First of all in the complete work of redemption, the born again and Holy Spirit filled believer, if you were to separate His Spirit from His Flesh you would see total perfection. You would see total purity. You would see total holiness, righteousness, peace, unconditional love along with all the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. You would see there is no condemnation, no guilt, no judgments, no sin, no fear and no attributes of carnal and sinful flesh! This is what Jesus has done for you and me when He died on the Cross and was resurrected and Glorified! He put to death the old man of our evil nature and in return gave us His eternal life giving Spirit as though we had never sinned. So you ask, "What does this have to do with the Rapture?" Everything! The Tribulation Period is a timing on this earth when the wrath, the anger, the divine Judgment of Almighty God is poured out upon The Antichrist, the false Prophet and upon those who are in rebellion against God, against Jesus the Christ and His Saints. For seven years this earth will experince such a Holocaust that will be so bad, it will make Hitler's time, look like child's play. The Antichrist will bring about a Law for all to be marked in order to buy or sell anything. Those who receive His mark will forfeit all divine rights to the coming kingdom of God and will be tormented day and night forever and ever! Those who refuse it shall be killed. This is what anyone left behind of the Rapture will experience. If you have been born again and filled with the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit of God, You have no place here to be under the wrath of Almighty God because your judgment and redemption took place at Calvary! Jewish Traditions Vs Raptured Bride, The Bride of Christ and Jesus as the coming Groom is likened to a Jewish Webbing where in Jewish History there is 3 steps which are 1) The Betrothal, 2)The taking of the Bride, 3)The marriage Supper Feast. Then you have the order of the Wedding. 1) Drinking from the Cup, 2) Signing the Contract, 3) Paying the Price to the Father, 4) The Engagement. What the Man did in preparation. 1) Returned to the Father House, 2) Prepare an adition onto the house, a) The law for one year not to work. What the woman did in preparation. 1) The woman went in public with a veil over her face, 2) The woman had attendants with her, 3) The woman had a lamp burning during the night, 4) The woman stayed ready at all times. When the time came for the announcement to be made. 1) The Father announced the TIME had come for his son to receive his Bride. 2) The son (groom) would take a bridal party of men (the bridegroom cometh!) 3) They would secretly snatch her up and go to the father's house and most of the community would not realize she was gone until they awoke in the morning! The Wedding Celebration lasted for 7 (SEVEN) days straight! If you will notice, Samson wedding Feast lasted seven days (Judges 14:15) Let us see the order in the Life of Jesus! 1) He drank the Cup at the final Supper. 2) He told them to obey His words. 3) He paid the purchased price for His Bride with His own blood. Jesus said He goes to prepare a place for us! No man will know the day or the hour. Jesus said to keep the lamps trimmed and burning (Holy Spirit in our life) Paul said to keep our garments clean. Angels promised Jesus would return again! So in the light of divine scriptures, It would be unthinkable to consider that God would allow the Bride of Christ to go through the tribulation period to experience His Judgment and wrath! The earth will be cleaned of all evil in preparation for the coming Kingdom of Jesus to be ushered in. The word "Caught Up" in the Greek is harpazo meaning "snatch out" inplying to snatch out very suddenly! We shall be snatch out very suddenly and will be glorified with Jesus and will we are attending the glorious Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, the earth will go through divine Judgments and the wrath of Amighty God. Are you Rapture Ready? Let us have the Oil in our lamps, the Holy Spirit leading us daily, watching, praying and know that as a thief the Lord shall receive those who love him and are awaiting His call! Blessing!

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