Words of Wisdom
Sunday 10/10/10
Dearly beloved let me ask you, are you the type that believes in the Word of God and Prophecies, then you must agree with me that if you read and pray as directed in this Holy Spirit inspired track, then I see change taking place in your life in Jesus name. Amen.
Dearly Beloved have you come to that point in life where all what you ask yourself is, what will I do to make it in life?, or who can help me out of your problems, I know you are like them who also thought that their life will amount to nothing because they have gotten to a point where they never wanted to trust in any man of God, beloved that might be the position you found yourself right because all that they have said or prophesied about your life non has come to pass, beloved let me tell you, whether you will accept this fact or not that is not the issue, the issue is that you need a change in your life, you have to accept the fact that you really need a change in your life before things will change in your life, if you don’t accept the that there is need for change then change will not come.
My beloved do you need change in your life? Then you must know that the change I am talking about here is the type of change we saw in the Bible how a great men of God like Jacob, David, Jabez and the rest was faced with great challenges in their days, which propelled them to cry a desperate cry to God, and we saw how God stepped in and helped them to fulfill the prophecy prophesied about their life. so let me ask you are you the type that have been praying or visiting Pastors and Church’s and have not found any result or solution to your problem, please this simple question is for you, have you ever cried to God?, if the answer is yes, then the question is how did you cry to God?, was your cry a desperate one, please my dearly beloved stop running after one Pastor or another or One Church to another some of us even go as far as sleeping in prayer camps, I am not saying visiting pastor or Church’s prayer camp etc is not good, I am also saying why go
after them when you know that you have the tool to bring change in your life right under your nose.
Please I will like you to purse a bit here and pray this short prayer like Jacob and the rest prayed when they where faced with what you are going through today, note that change will come if only you will agree to do it only under one name of one man and the name that I am talking about here is no other name but the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Bible made us to understand that at the mention of his name all problems, will disrepair even hunger, poverty, beeriness, sickness, deceases, lack of money, eat today and hunger tomorrow, etc will also give way.
And for you to qualify to pray this prayer you must accept him as your personal Lord and Savior, please if you have not giving your life to Christ this is an opportunity for you to do so, say this with me “Dear Lord Jesus Christ I come to you as a sinner and I confess to you that I am a sinner and I accept you today as my personal Lord and Savior, I will always trust and believe and pray in your name, forgive me of all my sins, today I also accept that you died for me thank you also for saving me. Now I know I am saved.
Beloved believe it that something has taking place in your life and you are ripped to cry to God as Jacob, David, Jabez and the rest cried, and I tell you today that tremendous testimonies will be your lot in the name of Jesus.
Psalms: 13 vs. 1
Psalms: 60 vs. 11-12
Psalms 44 vs. 4-5
1 Chronicles 4 vs. 9 -10
1. O Lord how long will thou forget me
2. O Lord, give us help from trouble in the name of Jesus.
3. O lord tread down my past mistakes in the name of Jesus.
4. O Lord command deliverance for me in the name of Jesus, say your name (Mr. Mrs. Etc)
5. Push down all the plans the enemy has attached to my past mistakes in the name of Jesus.
6. O Lord tread all my enemies under my feet in the name of Jesus
7. O Lord, use this bulletin to bring abundance of blessing to the writer and his family in the name of Jesus.
8. O Lord keep me away from all evil in the name of Jesus
9. O Lord bless me and enlarge my coast in the name of Jesus
Dearly beloved if you know this prayer really worked for you please do not fail to write us a mail and share your testimony with us and if you need direction on how to pray this prayer do please call the number bellow for assistance, note any body who is testy for change must pray this prayer.
If God has also lead it in your heart to support me with his ministry by way of cash or kind do please contact with me on phone before doing so, don’t forget God is able to make all grace abound toward you 2 Cor.9:8 May God richly bless you.
Evangelist Wisdom Prince.
Accra Ghana
West Africa
Email: wisecjprince@yahoo.com
Tel: +233-246-847149
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