Worry is Demonic, Peace is of God
We as the people of God are always asking God to bless us, this is one of our most said prayers that we pray to the Lord; Lord bless me, Lord I don't have this; can You give this to me, or Lord I don't have that. We are always asking for material things when we have everything, it is in Christ Jesus. It's nothing wrong with asking Jesus or God our Father for things because He wants' us to have things, the word says we have not because we ask not; ask and it will be given to us [I like that], but do we pray and ask a Holy and Righteous God to deliver us from evil spirits that live within us and cause us to sin? Don't we know that we have evil spirits attacking us that's why we act like we act and we know that the way we act sometimes is not of God?
The church have a big problem; we think that we are perfect, but we are not a perfect people, but we are trying to be perfect with the help of Jesus Christ. There are some things that we should not be doing as believers and we know that this it not right in the Eyes of God when we sin, and we say to the Lord why can't I stop this? It’s because it's a demonic spirit controlling your will and you need to be delivered from that spirit whatever it is AMEN... Because God dose not control our will we must give up our will to God just as Jesus did; Jesus said to God the Father not My will, but Your will be done. When we give Him our will then we will see Him like He is; Holy and Righteous God full of Glory and Power; a God of Peace. A controlling spirit is from the devil and is as a spirit of witchcraft and this spirit will try to still our soul, but are we concerned about our own souls?
Matthew 16:26 for what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul this is personal. Whenever one gain parts of the world, one loses parts of his soul. Luke 12:20 But God said to him fool!! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided? So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God, our treasures should be laid up in Heaven God will take care of His people and concerns for worldly goods is foolish because life and peace in Christ Jesus itself is more important worldly things AMEN!! When the devil sends the spirit of worrying at us and he comes and knock on our door we can't let that spirit in; if we open the door and let that spirit in then our peace is gone and we wonder if God will take care of us, just like He cares for the birds of the air; the lilies of the field; or the grass of the field. Now Anxiety [the spirit worry] should not accomplish nothing in our life or; our heart; or our mind, nor in our spirit because as heirs of the inexhaustible riches of the Kingdom of God. Believers should not worry about earthly details; this is not God, worrying is a evil spirit and some of the people of God don't even know this; that there is a demon and this spirit name is worry; Jesus calls His followers to order their priorities correctly by focusing their hearts on the Kingdom of God. This is why Jesus says Do not worry about your life, we don't need to worry about our life, but seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. We are already in the kingdom of God and God's Kingdom has everything that we need, therefore we should concentrate on the interests of God's Kingdom and His will for our life. This demonic spirit name is worry and this demon will make us 1] be afraid , 2] will cause us to be upset, 3] will cause us to be tormented day and night and be in agony and misery and cause us to loose our hope and faith that is in Christ Jesus, where there is no hope or faith there is no peace. This mean's that this demonic spirit come to steal our peace and this is not of God!! People!! fear, torment, agony, misery, are not the fruits of the Spirit of God Amen.
Philippians 4:6-7 says for us to be anxious [worry] for nothing which basically means for us not to be distracted or to have a divided mind or to be uneasy or disturbed about a thing or to be even concerned about something or alarmed or fearful because Jesus loves and cares for us and has not given us the spirit of fear but POWER, LOVE, AND A SOUND MINE!!! Can we see how much Jesus love you and me? What kind of LOVE is this that Jesus gave His Life for you and me!!!! We don't WORRY about nothing this is a demonic spirit sent from the devil to tell us that we are not going to make it, or that we are not going to be healed, that we can't stay save, or that we are going to be POOR all of our life; THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!! The word of God says be anxious for nothing [not to worry], but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. Whatever we need God got it!!!, when that demonic spirit comes, and it will come we need to pray and give God thanksgiving and thank about His goodness and all that He has done for us and is still doing for us Amen!!! and give Him thanks' and then let our request [need] be know to God anticipating even while asking AMEN a LOVING GOD AND HE WILL REPLY and we will give Him thanksgiving for God; He is A Good GOD All the Time.
This will give wings to every distracting spirit and the demonic spirit of worry that tries to paralyze us with fear, but the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. The Peace of God will exceed, go beyond, outdo, triumph over, rise above, outclass, be better than, and take precedence over ALL UNDERSTANDING. The world is yours and mine and the demonic spirit of worry will go back to the devil were it came from and will tell the devil they are standing on the word of God and the Peace of God is with them and I can't overtake this one AMEN!!! AMEN!!! Bless the Lamb of God!!!! Jesus He is our PEACE!! Jesus is our Lord!! Jesus is our King!!! The Lover of our soul!!! Bless the Lamb of God!! The Peace of God will guard in GR. {means phroureo} God's peace is High security to set a watch over our heart and our mind and soul. God's peace will also stand guard over our heart and our mind and soul, and God's peace will keep our heart and mind and the door will be locked securely from that demonic spirit of worry. This kind of peace which comes only from God the Father will stand guard over the believer’s hearts, minds and soul by means of Jesus Christ!!!! I love my Jesus because Jesus first cares for us!!! So to keep the Peace of God we need to Meditate on these things whatever things are TRUE!! Whatever things are NOBLE!! Whatever things are JUST!! Whatever things are PURE!! Whatever things are LOVELY!! Whatever things are of a GOOD REPORT!! If there is anything PRAISEWORTHY meditate on these things, the things we have learned, the things we have received, the things we have heard and the things we have saw in the word of truth and the PEACE of GOD will always be with us.....
And the Grace of our Lord Christ Jesus be with you all AMEN...
Prophet Powell, Sr.
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"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever; forsake not the works of Thine own hands."
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