It's only just begun my friends and the Haitian people continue to suffer and struggle to survive. Some people lost their whole families, not to mention their homes, food and shelter. It will take years to rebuild that Island and it is our duty to fulfill the calling placed upon our lives, to intercede in prayer, fasting and lend a helping hand in whatever way that we can. We are all not able to go over there and assist in a personal way but we as a nation, as a people, as Christians and children of God, we can definitely do our part!
Whatever we do may be little to us but it can mean the world to a people that has nothing! Whether we send donations, or be an advocate in helping send supplies of food, clothing, or whatever the need may be, let us do something. Some of us may not have anything to contribute and the most noble thing that you can do is pray. Prayer is the key that unlocks the door for God to send Blessings in a mighty way! So even if you are able to contribute, please don't forget to pray for our Brothers and Sisters daily because this is what Jesus would do!
The Haitians have been through some very tough times and it's so amazing at how they continue to bounce back in the time of adversity. And do you know that in the midst of their troubles and crisis, they still uplift the name of Jesus? They continue to pray and trust God at all times and this is what continues to sustain them. They are a people that have an abundance of Faith that's out of this world and it's truly awesome to witness just how strong these people really are! And I tell you, that alone just lifts my spirit and it's a prime example of how we should be at all times.
God said pray in season and out of season; in the good times as well as the bad times and no matter what any of us face in life, sometimes we just have to Praise our way through, in order to get our breakthrough. When I put myself in their place, or in their shoes, I can understand the devastation because I know how distraught I would be and even still, I would be Blessed to be alive!!!
Submit your Prayers here, by placing them in the comment section below and/or submit your favorite poem or reading and the Lord will surely Bless you for anything that you can do. God Bless you all and please be obedient to the call!
In His Grace,
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"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever; forsake not the works of Thine own hands."
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