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At 1:57pm on September 8, 2011, EarthAngel Divine said…
I'm just stopping by to say hello and to also invite you to join our newest Group, "Natural Home Remedies." God has provided every Herb that we need to live healthy and prosperous lives. Come and join us on this journey to good health... God's way! Click here to join us... Natural Remedies
I would like to make friends and get acquainted with everyone on this Site, so whether you join the Group or not, contact me anyway, just to converse. Be Blessed in your going in and coming out...May everything that you touch be Blessed my friend!
In God's Love.....
At 5:28pm on February 21, 2011, Evangelist Queen AndreYah said…




At 12:24pm on February 21, 2010, Evang. Felecia Spaulding said…

At 12:22pm on February 21, 2010, Evang. Felecia Spaulding gave BAIJU a gift
At 6:56pm on May 10, 2009, JESSE ARY said…
At 2:54am on April 21, 2009, LUKWAGO SANDE said…
Dear BAIJU i greet you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ,i thank God for connecting us through this network.
Am by name of Lukwago Sande a ugandan citizen pastoring a church also found in uganda and it is called New Gegeneration Ministries.our vision is to expand the kingdom of God through preaching the gospel to all nations and up lifting the flag of the kingdom of heaven.
for i got saved in 1992 and i was fulled with the power of the Holly spirit.for about my childhood life i never saw the parental love,i was mistreated because i grew from my step dad's home,surelyi new not that i was to grow into a useful person,for what led all those is during my growth i missed so many things such as going to school,for no body loved me and they tried their level best to kill me but as God says that i knew you before, he never allowed death to take me. i was surrendered to evil spirit so that they may kill me. what i remember very well is that one day they tied to tree and i was about to die but my sister came and released me from the tree, it was avery bad time that she was killed and i remained alone. i thank our Godbecause the word says '' i will not die but live and will proclaim what the LORD has done'' PSALM 117:17.
Surely i have passed through a very hard time thruogh out my life,so as the life was very painful i grew up and became a vey good drunker, i used to go for alcohol and also i uused other drugs to the extent of being hated more, i thank God that as people continued tohate me for him loved me more.
One day i went for alcohol in the bar which was located at our neighbour village called Kanyanda,it was 7:50 pm, i let the bar for home and as i was on the way going home stagling side and side, infront of me frached a very big light which resembled nating an this world, i was a fraid and immediatly i felled on the ground, on opening my eyes i saw a man with a very bright face standing besides my, since i knew that God has never existed i thought may be one of the dead has came on my way but the face was different from those i have ever seen,
The man called my name and said '' SANDE,SANDE ,SAND '' he got my hand and rised me up, in thatvery time i saw the steps from the ground moving up words, we moved and on reaching wherei never knew that it was the heaven, a big gate was opened before us and we moved inside, truelly the heaven is there and i my self saw it, the man led me before avery beaughtful throne, on which the son of God seat, i saw Jesus with my eyes and he ordered the Angel to take me where those who die without axceping God where the go, my dear friend the place is very painful, i remember i was locked in a very smoll cage which was full of great heat, heard men , women,children crying and also where i was i was crying because the place was full of pain, the Angel by them he was stand a distance from where i was and in that very time i saw Satancoming towords me and he tried to caryy me but the Angel stoped him with his great power so the Angel used the same power and carried out of the cage, on reaching him,he torched his hand upon my head and i was refleched , we went before God.
for it a long story and due to limited time i would like give you more of what happened next ,you can email me on for more testimone.

so i began New Generation Ministrie in 2000 and it has not been easy up to where we are right now, i have meet different charrandes in my ministry and let me share with you as below:-
i have my wife and by then we had our first born child called Jaira she got sick and Died, i was very stack because i had no money,
i went inside the house and i got the dead body in my hands and called upon the God who meet me on the way , surddenly i saw theeyes of my child opening and i called her mother to see what the lord has done , i thank God for that miracle he did in my family,
as years went on we beared a son called Miceal,who i loved so much and as he was approching 4 years he went sick and was addimited at the hospital, the boy went through heavy pains up to the extent of becoming time as they where in hospital and i was at the church, the word of God came to me to go and pray for my son in the hopital but i refused because i was full of fear. in the mid of the might they called me as the boy was dieing, i was at home and from there i calledupon God to help me but God remainded me what he tald me to do, so in the morning i went in the hospital and i prayed for the boy and after 2 day the doctor saw that the had changed so they tald them to come back home, on reaching home i discovered that my boy was not seeing and i continued to pray for hin and with in that very week the boty began to see and to talk. i thank God for his might power he use to do wanders,

for what the lord has done in my ministry and for his plans i have got alot of vision such
:- Helping orphans by providing education and basic needs in life and youcan visit my website
;- I do move to different vallage ares trying to help village pastors so that their dreams may be fulfilled, by this i do encourage them with what God provides me with and also with the word from God,so right now i have 50 village pastors whom am encouraging because they have got bigdream and i would like themto uplift them up so that the Glory of our God may shain alover the world. MATHEW 25:34---46,5:3----,JOHN 15:1--
;- preaching the word of God to all nations and we work hard to see that many people are chanded to GOD throught stagind out crusades,conferences and moving in different ministries .with in this ministry i have seen miracles and the hand of God doing wanders.
''my dear friend i would like to welcom you to join me in any of the ministry above, the door is open''
for more information you can eamil me on
am waiting to hear from you
may God bless you
Am pastor Sande Lukwago Delete Comment
At 2:54am on April 21, 2009, LUKWAGO SANDE said…
Dear BAIJU i greet you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ,i thank God for connecting us through this network.
Am by name of Lukwago Sande a ugandan citizen pastoring a church also found in uganda and it is called New Gegeneration Ministries.our vision is to expand the kingdom of God through preaching the gospel to all nations and up lifting the flag of the kingdom of heaven.
for i got saved in 1992 and i was fulled with the power of the Holly spirit.for about my childhood life i never saw the parental love,i was mistreated because i grew from my step dad's home,surelyi new not that i was to grow into a useful person,for what led all those is during my growth i missed so many things such as going to school,for no body loved me and they tried their level best to kill me but as God says that i knew you before, he never allowed death to take me. i was surrendered to evil spirit so that they may kill me. what i remember very well is that one day they tied to tree and i was about to die but my sister came and released me from the tree, it was avery bad time that she was killed and i remained alone. i thank our Godbecause the word says '' i will not die but live and will proclaim what the LORD has done'' PSALM 117:17.
Surely i have passed through a very hard time thruogh out my life,so as the life was very painful i grew up and became a vey good drunker, i used to go for alcohol and also i uused other drugs to the extent of being hated more, i thank God that as people continued tohate me for him loved me more.
One day i went for alcohol in the bar which was located at our neighbour village called Kanyanda,it was 7:50 pm, i let the bar for home and as i was on the way going home stagling side and side, infront of me frached a very big light which resembled nating an this world, i was a fraid and immediatly i felled on the ground, on opening my eyes i saw a man with a very bright face standing besides my, since i knew that God has never existed i thought may be one of the dead has came on my way but the face was different from those i have ever seen,
The man called my name and said '' SANDE,SANDE ,SAND '' he got my hand and rised me up, in thatvery time i saw the steps from the ground moving up words, we moved and on reaching wherei never knew that it was the heaven, a big gate was opened before us and we moved inside, truelly the heaven is there and i my self saw it, the man led me before avery beaughtful throne, on which the son of God seat, i saw Jesus with my eyes and he ordered the Angel to take me where those who die without axceping God where the go, my dear friend the place is very painful, i remember i was locked in a very smoll cage which was full of great heat, heard men , women,children crying and also where i was i was crying because the place was full of pain, the Angel by them he was stand a distance from where i was and in that very time i saw Satancoming towords me and he tried to caryy me but the Angel stoped him with his great power so the Angel used the same power and carried out of the cage, on reaching him,he torched his hand upon my head and i was refleched , we went before God.
for it a long story and due to limited time i would like give you more of what happened next ,you can email me on for more testimone.

so i began New Generation Ministrie in 2000 and it has not been easy up to where we are right now, i have meet different charrandes in my ministry and let me share with you as below:-
i have my wife and by then we had our first born child called Jaira she got sick and Died, i was very stack because i had no money,
i went inside the house and i got the dead body in my hands and called upon the God who meet me on the way , surddenly i saw theeyes of my child opening and i called her mother to see what the lord has done , i thank God for that miracle he did in my family,
as years went on we beared a son called Miceal,who i loved so much and as he was approching 4 years he went sick and was addimited at the hospital, the boy went through heavy pains up to the extent of becoming time as they where in hospital and i was at the church, the word of God came to me to go and pray for my son in the hopital but i refused because i was full of fear. in the mid of the might they called me as the boy was dieing, i was at home and from there i calledupon God to help me but God remainded me what he tald me to do, so in the morning i went in the hospital and i prayed for the boy and after 2 day the doctor saw that the had changed so they tald them to come back home, on reaching home i discovered that my boy was not seeing and i continued to pray for hin and with in that very week the boty began to see and to talk. i thank God for his might power he use to do wanders,

for what the lord has done in my ministry and for his plans i have got alot of vision such
:- Helping orphans by providing education and basic needs in life and youcan visit my website
;- I do move to different vallage ares trying to help village pastors so that their dreams may be fulfilled, by this i do encourage them with what God provides me with and also with the word from God,so right now i have 50 village pastors whom am encouraging because they have got bigdream and i would like themto uplift them up so that the Glory of our God may shain alover the world. MATHEW 25:34---46,5:3----,JOHN 15:1--
;- preaching the word of God to all nations and we work hard to see that many people are chanded to GOD throught stagind out crusades,conferences and moving in different ministries .with in this ministry i have seen miracles and the hand of God doing wanders.
''my dear friend i would like to welcom you to join me in any of the ministry above, the door is open''
for more information you can eamil me on
am waiting to hear from you
may God bless you
Am pastor Sande Lukwago Delete Comment
At 2:53am on April 21, 2009, LUKWAGO SANDE said…
Dear BAIJU i greet you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ,i thank God for connecting us through this network.
Am by name of Lukwago Sande a ugandan citizen pastoring a church also found in uganda and it is called New Gegeneration Ministries.our vision is to expand the kingdom of God through preaching the gospel to all nations and up lifting the flag of the kingdom of heaven.
for i got saved in 1992 and i was fulled with the power of the Holly spirit.for about my childhood life i never saw the parental love,i was mistreated because i grew from my step dad's home,surelyi new not that i was to grow into a useful person,for what led all those is during my growth i missed so many things such as going to school,for no body loved me and they tried their level best to kill me but as God says that i knew you before, he never allowed death to take me. i was surrendered to evil spirit so that they may kill me. what i remember very well is that one day they tied to tree and i was about to die but my sister came and released me from the tree, it was avery bad time that she was killed and i remained alone. i thank our Godbecause the word says '' i will not die but live and will proclaim what the LORD has done'' PSALM 117:17.
Surely i have passed through a very hard time thruogh out my life,so as the life was very painful i grew up and became a vey good drunker, i used to go for alcohol and also i uused other drugs to the extent of being hated more, i thank God that as people continued tohate me for him loved me more.
One day i went for alcohol in the bar which was located at our neighbour village called Kanyanda,it was 7:50 pm, i let the bar for home and as i was on the way going home stagling side and side, infront of me frached a very big light which resembled nating an this world, i was a fraid and immediatly i felled on the ground, on opening my eyes i saw a man with a very bright face standing besides my, since i knew that God has never existed i thought may be one of the dead has came on my way but the face was different from those i have ever seen,
The man called my name and said '' SANDE,SANDE ,SAND '' he got my hand and rised me up, in thatvery time i saw the steps from the ground moving up words, we moved and on reaching wherei never knew that it was the heaven, a big gate was opened before us and we moved inside, truelly the heaven is there and i my self saw it, the man led me before avery beaughtful throne, on which the son of God seat, i saw Jesus with my eyes and he ordered the Angel to take me where those who die without axceping God where the go, my dear friend the place is very painful, i remember i was locked in a very smoll cage which was full of great heat, heard men , women,children crying and also where i was i was crying because the place was full of pain, the Angel by them he was stand a distance from where i was and in that very time i saw Satancoming towords me and he tried to caryy me but the Angel stoped him with his great power so the Angel used the same power and carried out of the cage, on reaching him,he torched his hand upon my head and i was refleched , we went before God.
for it a long story and due to limited time i would like give you more of what happened next ,you can email me on for more testimone.

so i began New Generation Ministrie in 2000 and it has not been easy up to where we are right now, i have meet different charrandes in my ministry and let me share with you as below:-
i have my wife and by then we had our first born child called Jaira she got sick and Died, i was very stack because i had no money,
i went inside the house and i got the dead body in my hands and called upon the God who meet me on the way , surddenly i saw theeyes of my child opening and i called her mother to see what the lord has done , i thank God for that miracle he did in my family,
as years went on we beared a son called Miceal,who i loved so much and as he was approching 4 years he went sick and was addimited at the hospital, the boy went through heavy pains up to the extent of becoming time as they where in hospital and i was at the church, the word of God came to me to go and pray for my son in the hopital but i refused because i was full of fear. in the mid of the might they called me as the boy was dieing, i was at home and from there i calledupon God to help me but God remainded me what he tald me to do, so in the morning i went in the hospital and i prayed for the boy and after 2 day the doctor saw that the had changed so they tald them to come back home, on reaching home i discovered that my boy was not seeing and i continued to pray for hin and with in that very week the boty began to see and to talk. i thank God for his might power he use to do wanders,

for what the lord has done in my ministry and for his plans i have got alot of vision such
:- Helping orphans by providing education and basic needs in life and youcan visit my website
;- I do move to different vallage ares trying to help village pastors so that their dreams may be fulfilled, by this i do encourage them with what God provides me with and also with the word from God,so right now i have 50 village pastors whom am encouraging because they have got bigdream and i would like themto uplift them up so that the Glory of our God may shain alover the world. MATHEW 25:34---46,5:3----,JOHN 15:1--
;- preaching the word of God to all nations and we work hard to see that many people are chanded to GOD throught stagind out crusades,conferences and moving in different ministries .with in this ministry i have seen miracles and the hand of God doing wanders.
''my dear friend i would like to welcom you to join me in any of the ministry above, the door is open''
for more information you can eamil me on
am waiting to hear from you
may God bless you
Am pastor Sande Lukwago Delete Comment
At 1:35am on March 20, 2009, sean said…
At 11:19am on March 18, 2009, Evang. Felecia Spaulding said…





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