Matt 24:10

I want to bring to your remembrance that history repeats itself, and man never learns from past history and that man always is bound to repeat it. All past mistakes man has made he will continually repeat over, and over, and over again. Please take note of the church right now; it is no different than that of the world. It’s all about the church, a prosperity gospel, a 401c tax code and or a building.

Let’s go back to a story about the Christian church in China around the year of 1949 regarding believers, ministers, and the missionaries and see if history will repeat itself once more in the United States of America. China at that time was a Country about to enter a time of great change and that change would be a great tribulation for the church of Jesus Christ with great persecutions, death, and the church would be forced underground.

Like the church in the United States today the trumpet call from the pulpit is to continue to teach a prosperity gospel with a rapture of escape before the great and terrible day of the Lord. China’s ministers of the gospel of grace taught this same exact doctrine of “don’t worry be happy”, and that the church would be raptured before the “great tribulation” and that suffering would definitely not befall the faithful in Christ so continue to “be happy for God is all love”. It was the central doctrine that all concern and preparation for spreading the gospel of grace were abandoned regarding the trials of faith. This prosperity gospel and a don’t worry attitude that God is in complete control would bring a false hope and a false doctrine of peace and with this hope, and peace produce very little faith.

Persecution grows faith by the trials one goes through in order to bring you to trust completely in God. America trusts in its money which will soon fail. American trusts in its government which will be like China’s become something to be very afraid of. Fear is coming and now has arrived.
The church now teaches only a holy praise for their absolute safety from harm and as for persecution an offering is made at every meeting with no teaching or regard for the prophetic trumpets calling for the day’s false teachings. History is about to repeat itself again like China, which was over run with the Communistic government with it’s vicious attacks made upon the church. It’s coming, yes coming to the good old USA. This including the confiscation of all property, beatings, death, imprisonment, and even the taking of children from their parents making them serve in the military and a silence of the preaching of the real gospel.

The unprepared church in China was caught off guard and millions fell away as a result. The falling away also came with this; a denial of Christ that was planted deep in all those believers. Many would think that they had been abandoned by a God who did not love them or keep His promises. Ironically the teachings from the church were false, and the pulpits failed in their duty resulting in a great falling away from Christ and in the holy walk in the way.

Our God does promise tribulation! God has promised persecution! The United States is a Country very rich, and on the brink of being tried with Gods holy fire, a fiery furnace of the most High God. “In the world you shall have tribulation…All who desire to save his life shall loose it, and all who desire to live godly in Christ shall suffer persecution” Jn 16:33 Mat 16:25 2 Tim 3:12

Honestly how much desire do you have to lose your life and have more of God and less of man? All the prosperity promises that Gods given in His truthful Word are no less precious than the others He’s given, but the possibility of the church to be persecuted was never taught in China and little is spoken of it here in the West. We in the west are also neglecting this fundamental fact of a true life in Christ as one of His own disciples who suffered and died contending for the faith being martyred.

Jesus taught “Do not fear those who kill the body!” Mat 10:28 If this was not a factor in the life of a Christians in their walk with Christ then why is Jesus telling us this so plainly. There will be a rapture or a change, but let it not be thought of as way of escaping from the things coming upon the world.

Christians are to shine as lights for Christ being a reflection of the way to go back to God. Israel is suffering with violence daily, and soon all those in the body will feel the pain, and suffering from an enemy who hates God and will inflict great trouble on Christ’s elect.

We will feel a knee jerk response to Israelis pain. It will come to us all where we live. There is no obligation of our Lord to protect the lazy, apathetic, believers of today, from something that might not only wake them up but, would certainly divide the true sheep from the religious goats. Luke warm watered down Christians Jesus spits out of his mouth. What matters to God is that His people will be ready to rule as the bride of Jesus when He returns and will Jesus find faith for this event upon His return. There are so many warnings about being unprepared. Mat 24:42-51 Lu 21:34-36 1 Thes 5:2-3

Parables that tell of the fate of those who are not faithful or do not keep a godly watch.
Mat 25:1-13 Lu 12:35-40 Lu 19: 11-27 and of that a pleading loving God who does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked” Eze 33:11 We all should take heed of Gods Word and Gods advice shared by a great apostle sent to the gentiles Paul.

“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you fail the test? 2 Co. 13:5 We have to pray for the peace of Israel, and that the gospel of the kingdom is preached in the whole world as a testimony of Jesus and then the end will come. Matt 24:14

Blessings Steven Paul Longchamps

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