Happy Easter to all my friends here at I'm Still Blessed -
Thank you for being a part of my life and I hope to get to know you all better as time goes on :)
I saw this cross in Italy a few years ago and I just thought it was a great symbol of the triumphs and tribulations of my life...
I wonder - are you living in the shadow of previous failures - like Jesus in the tomb? ....or are you seeing the light of success...like Jesus coming up from the grave? Death could not beat Him!! Satan could not keep Him down!!
Which way are you living your life today?
Everyone has past failures and things they regret...but if we live in that shadow and don't want to take chances...it is as if Jesus is still in the tomb and his death is the end of your dreams. Imagine if you were one of his disciples and you thought he was going to come to rule the Roman empire! And then the dashing blow....he is crucified to a Roman cross and buried. NO more empire. NO more revolution. The time you spent with him is all you have to remember. And you know you didn't learn everything you could have from him...now he is gone....along with your dreams.
But then you hear from one of the women that he is alive!!! You are hesitant to believe, to try, to wonder if it is really true. But you decide to step out in faith...what if it IS true?? Did He REALLY conquer death, as he said He would??
Can you really believe there is hope?
YES - He is standing right there in front of you!! He has the nails in his hands and a smile of love and compassion on His face...and an uncanny way of reading your mind as you struggle to believe this new concept. And He says to you - YES I am alive and well...and want to make sure before I go off to meet my Father in Heaven, that you are ok. And I want to make sure you TELL EVERYONE that you saw me, and give my message of HOPE to the world!!!
Are you living in the resurrection today? Do you believe that you can be successful in your life, in your business? You NEED to have the willingness to believe that you CAN be successful in order for it to be manifested in your life!
I hope that this community can foster an openness in you to believe this is possible...to fan those flames of desire in your life...that we can forge ahead into the future and tell the WORLD that we are here and want to have all the success that God has promised us. He created us for a PURPOSE and we just need to find out what that is and fulfill it!!
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