I believe Christmas is one the celebration in the Christian calendar that every believer who believes in the birth, the dead and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ wish to be part of, in our part of the world it is always a sad day when your family could not afford to cook Christmas meal, today as a servant of God the secret has been reviled to me why this do happen to believer in this modern times,
The answer is simple these are as a result of evil wish from the enemy and without wasting much of our time I am here this morning to urge you to join me to pray this dangerous prayer because I believe this is the time believers has to assume responsibility, we can no longer sit back and watch the enemy put hands in our eyes, is also time for you and I to open our mouth and reserve what ever the have wished for our life, the Bible the power of life and dead is in the tongue, let me refresh your mind on what happened in the BIBLE where a wicked king was fight war with God’s own children, this wicked king found out that he could not defeat his opponent with ordinary weapon, he ran to a wicked prophet to lay a curse on his opponent life, because he found out that as he was firing his weapons, the children of God were busy blowing in tongues, you see the truth of the matter is that the enemy knows he has tried everything humanly possible to take our life’s, and because we did not die now they have resulted in consulting wicked and demonic/satanic prayer camps to seek for ways to kill our spiritual life, that is to tell you how wicked the enemy is, the idea also is to make us denounce our God, over my dead body will I say that My Jesus is not alive, so long as we life we will forever confess you as Lord because of what you came to do for mankind, listen our prayer point this morning is simple and I want you to put more effort because we are coming to reserve every evil wish and cause that the enemy has paid for from all those demonic and satanic homes and prayer camps,. temples, altars etc to kill us before our time, if where you are will hinder you from praying this prayer move out because prayer is an exercise you pray it with force and determination, so pray like this
When you have finished praying drink a glass of water and sit down for 3 minutes while meditating, get up and begin to thank God for prayer answered, one thing I know is that any demonic eye or satanic eyes or any evil eyes that will behold this message will catch fire in Jesus name. You and your family are covered with the blood of Jesus Christ So don’t be afraid because what you have just released is called ballistic missiles and I speak into you life as a servant of God that nothing will hinder your testimony this year in Jesus name. Call me if you need special prayers +233246947149, or you can join us for deliverance and prophetic prayers on Wednesday and Fridays from 5; 30 pm to 8; 00 pm Thank you and may you be blessed as you come in Jesus name!!
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"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever; forsake not the works of Thine own hands."
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