Seeking Spiritual Satisfaction
Lord help me to become more content with my current circumstances. May I better accept my present situations and relationships.
There is a desire deep inside of me to improve my life. So God guide my innermost orientation in order that my internal world will become more and more aligned to serve Your higher purposes.
Please make it so that my whole heart and mind be oriented to selflessly serve my small part in to Your Great Commission.
May I fully and completely trust and obey my Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, with every fiber of my being.
May my obedience to Your New Commandment to love one another be the overriding factor in my aspirations, choices and commitments.
May I gladly surrender my will to know and do Your will during my daily devotions and especially during those time when my faith in You is tested.
May I look to You to take care of me and those I love. For You Word reveals that You are a good God that is gracious, kind and tenderhearted.
Sometimes I find myself pressed into thinking I am involved a kind of rat race to get ahead in some imaginary competition. But while I tend to yield to this pressure keep moving forward, may my progress always be by Your standards and at your pace. May I pause make time to notice how far You have brought me. May I express my appreciation to You in silent prayer often.
Internally there are motivations to achieve, improve and excel. God please do a deep work in my soul so that those motives are used for Your purposes. May my unseen drives not be abused to fuel my pride or hide my insecurities.
I have an abundance of goals, projects and tasks. I do my best to get them done. But there are always many things that are left undone. God help me to optimize the uses of my time, energy and money each day. And at the end of the day may I emotionally and mentally let go of what remains to be done. After doing all that I could with what You gave me, then may I leave the final results up to You. For I declare that You have all power and You work all things together for the good.
From my birth I have grown up in a society that is saturated with materialism. But may You open my spiritual eyes to see there is much more to this life than just adding stuff to my collection of things.
Everywhere I go there are advertisements. Thousands of signals try to convince me that happiness is promised when I would just buy their product or service. The overriding message is that the glass is always half empty. I should strive to acquire more and better stuff in hopes that maybe some day the glass will be full. That is an appealing lie that has deceived others and me. But I pray that You will whisper to me that the glass is half full as well as half empty. Lead me to notice what I have and not get fixated on what I do not have. May I honor You with my faithful stewardship of what You have entrusted to me.
I admit that there is a longing to acquire more and better possessions. But instead may I just relax and better appreciate what You have already provided. May I get into the healthy habit of thanking You for each blessing. Work into my soul greater measures genuine gratitude.
God You created me with five senses. I have found that there are some foods that I especially enjoy eating. Thank You for the pleasure that comes when I eat those. But some of those foods are costly and I cannot afford to eat them as often as I would like. Help me to be genuinely grateful when You provide them. And help me to savor each of the foods You provide.
God I admit that deep down inside I tend to compare myself to others. That has sometimes led to envy, jealousy and resentment. Help me God to stop entertaining those poisonous attitudes. May I immediately cut off those thoughts and feelings that are not of Your love. May I admire and respect others just the way they are. May I know that they too have both internal issues and external challenges. They have been doing the best they could. May their accomplishments, status, looks, and more inspire me to aim higher and focus better for Your glory.
Lord help me make wise choices when there are several attractive options. On the weekends and during the holidays there can be more possibilities to enjoy fellowship with others than I can physically attend. I am limited because I can only be in one place at a time. In choosing one option I am saying no to the other options. That is not always easy. I ask you to enter my decision making process and guide me in the paths that are right for me. May I find the suitable balance between taking time out for my own recreation and entertainment as well as going to be of service to others as well as making important contacts that You might use later for Your glory.
Lord I attend church services on Sundays. I am grateful for the blessings, insights and lessons that come to me then. Thank You for the refreshing fellowship. May You guide me in carrying out my best intentions to apply what You are teaching me throughout the week.
God You have revealed Yourself in the Bible as the Prince of Peace. You have often blessed me with peace of mind even the the middle of the storms of my life. May I anchor my hopes and expectations in who You are. May the biblical testimonies of what You did over the centuries give me comfort and faith.
Even if I live to a very old age, that is not the end of the story. May You help me to keep in mind that I am just a pilgrim that is briefly passing through this earthly walk. My ultimate citizenship is in heaven.
Lord God have mercy on me and grant me Your grace. Amen.
Blessings to Us all, such a powerful testimony and a desire to do better in how we live our life today. Thanks for sharing
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"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever; forsake not the works of Thine own hands."
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