Also as a child (6 1/2 weeks old), I had a slip (my mother's half slip) that I took everywhere I went. I slept with it and sniffed it (kinda like Lioness on Charlie Brown's Peanuts). I mean it was so serious that I would carry it around in my purse. I want you to know on that same Saturday, the Lord spoke to me saying to put it down. I had it for28 years and is NOW delivered from it. I am sure you have heard of people being delivered from some type of substance abuse, but this was my bad habit. God is so good. </SPAN><SPAN>
You also told me that I would start receiving checks in the mail unexpectantly. Well I went to do my taxes the Saturday before the last day. I thought I was only going to get about a hundred dollars because I didn't work that much. I was told by my tax preparer that I was going to get almost 900.00. Wow! To God be the Glory!
</SPAN><SPAN> I am a elementary school teacher and was currently displaced (meaning my school was not offering me a contract because of budget cuts in the state). I also got an apt not to long ago and definitely needed a job to pay the bills. I get to work today and open my was a principal from another school who was trying to get in contact with me about a job opening. I called him and was offered a fifth grade teaching position on the spot without interviewing or giving out a resume.</SPAN><SPAN>Lastly,</SPAN><SPAN>
I also had issues with the cable company about my bill and called to it worked out. I spoke to this lady and the Lord dropped words instantly in my spirit. He told me to tell her was already worked out. He told me to tell her she has been having sleepless night and stressing about this issue even at work. I have no idea what the problem was, but you should have heard the change in her voice. It was like a burden release. She was very thankful as I concluded our conversation and assured her saying before my reply....To God be the Glory. It's amazing how the Lord connects us to get a word across. HE is the best MYSTERY!
</SPAN><SPAN>Prophet Powers, you came and shook up some things in Word of Praise and I thank GOD for your boldness! I also thank your wife in which you two make a great team together. I can see she is strong and act as the glue that bond you all through Christ. I look forward to you and your wife to visit us again! I speak many blessings in your lives and wherever GOD see fit for you to be may your light continue to shine to bless others and yourselves hundreds of thousands of folds.Thank you for your on time word....I was truly blessed
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"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever; forsake not the works of Thine own hands."
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