I think most people who are arguing about the reason for Christmas and Jesus name is still missing the point most people know that the 25 December was not the date Mary gave birth to Jesus, the date is not important if it was the Holy Spirit would have ensure through inspiration it was written in the Bible and it was not written thus neither in the original or reproduction what was written was that Jesus was born and was to be a gift to us for our sins and we were to worship him.
If you are were not so caught up in dates you would know that the date does not matter because Jesus is born every day. How, whenever a new believer come to Christ, Jesus is birthed in that believers life so Jesus my Brother and Sister is born on December 25 and on every single day of the year.
The fact is His birth should be celebrated every day of our lives and it probable is celebrated everyday by people like me. However, I take advantage of the 2 days a year that the government of the land allow all things to close so that for those two days I can totally use mind body and soul to reflect on my Almighty God without distraction.
My Brother and sister while you are so consumed with the fact of precise date satan is looking with glee knowing that he is managing to divide Gods people because you are all concentrating on something God has not inspired us to think about. My God whose Omnipresence is everywhere and through His Omniscience knowledge, knows and understand all things at all times He will be aware of His many names so whether I call him Yeshua or Jesus or The Almighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, el shadai He knows and understand because after all it was Him that separated the people to make them speak different languages so why would He do this if He wanted everyone to speak the same, so Jesus I will continue to use.
The constant arguments over things that are trivial is taking away from the thing that is Greatest about our God, while there are others with their gods forcing others to remain with them our God is the only true God that does not require His people to worship Him by force He gives us all free will. You said you don't believe in Christmas leave it at that you have made your views heard God does not require you to do anymore. When Jesus sends His disciples to proclaim the good news to the entire world He did not instruct them to force the issue. Our job is to spread the news not to fight the cause and if it is not heard or accepted the instruction is to leave and shake the dust from your feet. There is nowhere in Scripture we are instructed to force anyone to use a particular name or phrase even the Jews use other names for God because Yahweh is considered too sacred to use.
To say a celebration on 25 December is pagan is utter rubbish Jesus celebrated what you now call Hanukkah on 25 and 26 December the same two days we celebrate, only Hanukkah in is day was call the Lords Day. As we are attributing the same day to Christ and knowing it is not the season or date of His natural or supernatural birth (virgin birth) in effect what we are doing His making it the Lords day. So come on people lets rejoice in the fact Jesus has a birthday everyday because everyday He is born in someone's heart.
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