So God created man in is own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis1:27

And behold, thou shall conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus Luke 1:31

It was today when my eyes became open to the significance of the two actions above. You see the thing which make this great Bible of ours so great is everyday we can find new treasures, we could read this great book a thousand or more times but it does not matter when your heart is truly with God he begins each day to reveal to us more and more it’s like stepping into Aladdin cave and being confronted with all the treasures.

I am not of course saying the Bible is Aladdin’s cave; the Bible is far greater than that but to try to express the feelings when God makes a new revelation and knowing the importance that people of the world place on silver and gold it was easier to bring one’s mind to those treasures. And you are wondering what are those two scriptures above got to do with Aladdin’s Cave well nothing it is just to explain my feeling of joy each time God open my eyes to show me something and I know some of you will be saying oh where has she been all the time but God does not always show us the same things at the same time and sometimes he is showing us but our eyes have not yet open so we cannot see what is under our very nose.

You see we all know the story of our Great Creator who created man in his own image and we accept it and never once did I thought to question why he created him as a man and not a child. He was the first Adam and he was on this world not as a baby neither a child but as a fully pledge grown man old enough to get married and to fend for himself.

Then I see the 2nd Adam who came into this world but this time as a helpless and dependable being one not able to fend for himself one who is totally dependant on someone to take care of all his needs, he needs some one to carry him, someone to feed him, someone to cloth him, someone to speak for him, someone to protect him in fact he needs someone who will be everything for him.

As my eyes began to open I look back and remember when my own children were born and this is probable going to be difficult for the men don’t actually experience birth and for women who is yet to give birth to fully grasp, but as I gaze upon my new born baby placed in my arms for the first time I was over come with emotions untold when I realise that here was the most beautiful thing in the world the best treasure imaginable place in my hands and my baby was totally dependant on my action for all his needs. I knew at that moment in time that I would do everything in my power to protect to care for and to provide for my baby. I knew than that my baby was now my life, my treasure. I knew then and as the days became weeks that I would lay down my life for my little princesses, I would do anything to make sure their lives was better than mine I knew no matter what they would also be loved by me and I would also be there for them.

You see today I realise the purpose for Jesus the second Adam coming to us as a baby, you see God wanted us to understand and know the kind of love he has for us and that we need to have for each other in order to get back to where we should be, but more important than that God wanted us to know that just as we loved our own baby and provide for our child He as our Father and we His children will be provided for, He will take care of all our needs, He will carry us through every step life, He will be our guide, He will be our protector. Our Father wanted us to realise that we don’t need to worry about anything all we have to do just as a baby begin to grow and shows love and obedience to his parents, that’s all we have to do and all our needs will be met.

You see God gave us the gift of baby Jesus so we would get to truly know him and realise His love for us.

I always wondered how a man like David who was certainly not perfect be a man after God’s own Heart and this was something that I ponder on and keep asking God for the revelation, every day I beg him to let me be even closer to Him than David to show me how my soul can be bound with His and my heart can be intermingle with His, that has been and still is my greatest desire. And today I realise that the man David in the first 3 verse of Psalm 27 gave us a clue because he realise what I believe God want us to realise by the 2nd Adam coming to us as a baby, God wanted us to know that He God is everything to us. He God wanted us to realise He will provide all our needs. He God wanted us to realise how much He loved us. He God wanted us to know we have a way out of trouble because He God will protect and guide us. David realise who God was the awesomeness of God and because he realise the importance of God the Father and loved him as a parent. God showed him love with no bounds just as we mothers would love our children even if they were the terror of earth we would still love them because they are our children so too God loves us.

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