The Holy Spirits calling for “A New Order Christian”. Not a new age Christian or new world order Christian, but a Christian who hears from The Father and acts out through the Son.

The old order of Christians are essentially under law not necessarily the law of The Old Testament, but laws of their own making. They are kept by rules and regulations that govern them because they are not governed and motivated by the power and life of God working within them.

For an example on giving under the old order, the Christian has to be prompted to give. Under the new order, the Christian is by nature a giver. The old is under the law to tithe. The new is the tithe; that is, all that he is, and has is an offering of first fruits unto God.

Everything he is, and has is Gods upon demand. He does not have to be exhorted by the preacher to do or give anything. He is one step in front of the preacher. He is constantly in tune with the Holy Spirit who is leading him in everything he does, says, or gives.

In faithfulness under the old order, the Christian has to be exhorted to faithfulness. In the new he comes and goes and does according to his Fathers will. He is faithful because he is trusting. He believes in God, and puts his trust in God, and his confidence is in God that, “all things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose” Ro. 8:28

Because he trust in God, he, himself is trustworthy. I have found over the years that he who cannot trust others cannot himself be trusted. We tend to project upon others what we see in ourselves.

Trusting persons are faithful persons. Faithful persons are obedient persons. It’s not that they are faithful and obedient to do what they are told; they are faithful and obedient to be what they have been made to be. In other words, faithful and obedience comes out of who they are. They have been shaped by their Maker to be as He is.

I believe and see a new order of Christian that is ready for service unto the glory of the Father through the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit just as Jesus walked. This new Christian God has been rising up is the church. He sees himself as the very extension of Jesus Christ in the world today. He does not have to be exhorted to go to church; he is the temple of the Holy Spirit together with all other true believers.

In this new order, among this new breed, is a sense of tiredness from playing church. They are not interested in churchianity anymore. Tired of what color to choose for the carpet in the entry way or what program will be best for church. They know that they have been released in the world to be the church.

They understand very well that the body must gather from time to time to gain strength from one another through the ministry, gifts, and fruit of the Spirit placed in the body. They gather for strength, but then they scatter for service.

Prayer, fasting, praising, and worshiping of God are continually and constantly in communion with the Father through the Spirit, knowing the mind of Christ, and has taken on the image of his Father through Christ. He does not have to pray for answers so much as he is the answer to prayer. He may fast often. But his greatest fast is not in the denial of certain foods and drink from time to time, but in total denial of his self life at all times. Therefore, he is a living fast. As for praise it is forever on his lips. Worship is now the hour where the Father is seeking a people who will worship him in spirit and truth.

The old order Christian may say I have done a great and good work only to be sad from not being exhorted later for it. He can not function without laws, creeds, doctrines, rules and regulations spelling out for him so that he can know how to live righteously. But this is law. The letter kills Jesus told us.

The Spirit of God who abides within the new order Christian is Himself the administrator of the law written within the heart of the believer. The new order Christian is the very righteousness of God. 1 Pe. 2:24 2 Co. 5:21

The old order is a problem being out of step with the Holy Spirit, and it can be said with everything else of a so called Christian life of today in America. The old order is an outward order of doctrine, while the new order is the inward reality of being. Of course, it holds true that whatever one is on the inside will determine what he does on the outside. The stark difference between being religious and being born again is this—that one who is born again has his very nature changed by the power of God. Religion, at best can only control or modify the outward behavior of a person.

He who is truly born again was once one thing; now he is another. 2 Co. 5:17
We bear God’s nature but it goes beyond this. Jesus made it clear that He was the “I AM” of the Old Testament Jn. 8:58 Throughout John’s gospel the Greek words ego eimi, which literally translates “I, I am,” was used to explain Jesus. Using this term, He said of Himself: I AM

Messiah Jn. 4:25-26
The Bread of Life Jn. 6:35, 48, 51
The light of the world Jn. 8:12
The Door of the Sheep Jn. 10:7
The Good Shepherd Jn. 10:11
The resurrection and the life Jn. 11:25
Master (Teacher) and Lord Jn. 13:13
The way, The Truth, and the life Jn. 14:6
The True Vine Jn. 15:1
Jesus (which means salvation) Jn. 18:5-8
“…as He is so are we in this world” 1 Jn. 4:17
He is Love, so we are love. He is righteous. He is faith, so we are faith. He is spirit, so we are spirit. He is truth, so we are truth. He is eternal life, so we are eternal life. He is! So, we are! As He is the great I AM, we have become in Him little “I am’s.”
Jn. 8:12 Mt. 5:14

The only way Jesus disciples can be light is to have the Light of Life living within them and shining through them. There is no way you can imitate Jesus. You are either of His very nature or you are a phony. To remind all who read this truth, we enter in through repentance: meekness, gentleness, humility, submissiveness, faithfulness, obedience. We take on Jesus nature—He who emptied Himself.

This Jesus breed of the crucified ones are become more and more like Jesus. It has become to them less of a matter of doing, and more of a matter of being. Jesus did all that He did because of who He was. So it is with us who go on from glory to glory, and faith to faith—we will do more out of who we are, than out of any religious expectations that can be heaped upon us.

In Christ Jesus Blessings Steven

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