Steven's Blog (25)

A Pure Heart Sees

Mt. 5:8

There is no life of holiness apart from the Holy Spirit. It is He who imparts power to overcome all that might be out of harmony with God. By faith it is accounted to all believers for righteousness, but holiness only comes from the infilling of Gods Spirit. This promise is to all, but like all blessings from God, must be received by faith, in earnest seeking which refuses to be denied. Ac.2:17-18

The infilling of Gods Spirit was so important to God He made… Continue

Added by Steven on October 8, 2009 at 11:23am — No Comments


God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Ep. 2:8

Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that comes from Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. 1:14

With Yom Kippur approaching, it is time to prepare to meet the Holy King when He comes closest to us, to express our hopes for the year ahead and for the better choices we hope to make. As you search for sources of inspiration and Gods… Continue

Added by Steven on September 26, 2009 at 12:39pm — No Comments

I AM With You, I Love You - Isa. 43:3

Turn too heading Isa. 62:1-12 I - I Captain come about make it so, turn heading too Isa. 62. Steer a course Isa.62:1-12.

Dream 9-22-2009 3:22 A M

The messenger turned and spoke to the congregation; The Lord has put a curse upon this church and your precious stone, I cast it out of the church upon the ground and I hose it down with urine. And the congregation including the messenger bowed to the ground and prostrate themselves upon the ground in prayer and repentance unto the… Continue

Added by Steven on September 21, 2009 at 11:19pm — No Comments

The Common Sunflower

If you wait and look carefully you will eventually see it. Throughout the mundane hours and days, our soul pines for its source but feels lost in a sea of insignificance. It’s as if the whole of our reality is swimming in foolishness. How can I hope for spiritual heights when all I can think about revolves around the materialistic and shallow chaff that surrounds me? Yet then comes those special moments when all becomes clear, when questions find answers.

Jesus taught that through… Continue

Added by Steven on September 19, 2009 at 11:31pm — No Comments


Heb. 9:6-11

Jesus is making arrangements, He’s changing stuff, He’s rearranging stuff, He’s negotiating stuff, He’s organizing stuff, He’s planning some stuff, and He’s doing it all just for me and you.

The way into the most holy place is open and were all able to enter in, not by any external regulation but by the blood of Jesus Christ. Christ came through with his own blood obtaining the eternal salvation that cleanses us and our consciousness to serve in a new and living… Continue

Added by Steven on September 13, 2009 at 12:01am — No Comments

We will need to choose again between the path and the position.

We have many great and astounding heroes to study giving divine insight into a life with God. There is one, who has a speech, a teaching, a prophecy or maybe just a reflection of what God has given him in truth.

Joshua 23:11-16

Joshua 24:1-15

The warning is that a flood is come once and another cleansing is here. A fire will separate Gods sheep from the goats, and a great harvest will come out of a great tribulation. To be blind and without a guide to show the way is… Continue

Added by Steven on September 10, 2009 at 1:00am — No Comments

Learning to walk fulltime in the Spirit of a Living God.

I have been with the one who makes it all happen. Jesus is so awesome and I don't want to ever leave his presence, peace, and love. I have been struggling with this world daily, with it's evil ways, uneven scales, and I want to go home now, but I can't. It is more needful for me to stay and do the work that I have been called to do, that of the work of helps and to encourage the body of Christ. I was so long away from my writings and blogs because of what I have been shown.

Jesus… Continue

Added by Steven on September 7, 2009 at 5:36pm — No Comments


There is a tendency to take for granted some of Gods Word or to over look the obvious truth that He’s given. The fact is that a lot of Christians overlook the truth that they are the sons of God who will rule with Jesus Christ judging angels, being put in great authority within the kingdom of God. We sometimes forget who we really are in Christ and fall way short of the truth that God has given us in His power and authority in Jesus as His bride that we now can and do possess. In other words… Continue

Added by Steven on September 7, 2009 at 5:35pm — No Comments



Often wonder what the will of God is for your life? The will of God is no secret for the believer who comes to realize that to grow in the mystery of Gods grace you have to search out and uncovered what Gods given you in Him. God delights in concealing a matter, but not when it comes to Jesus Christ. The mysteries of the kingdom are now revealed to those who are the kingdoms children. It is Gods good pleasure to reveal these things to His children but the honor of a king is… Continue

Added by Steven on August 20, 2009 at 3:38am — No Comments



Some would ask today. What is God doing with His people? Why is God not doing what would appear on the outside to be a divine work or a heavenly work with His people?

Is 14:32 “And what is one to answer the messengers of the nation? That Adonai founded

Tziyon, and there the poor of His people will find refuge.” Ps. 87:1-7

Mt. 5:3 “How blessed are the poor in Spirit! For the kingdom of heaven is theirs”.

Mt. 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart:… Continue

Added by Steven on August 19, 2009 at 11:45pm — No Comments


Matt 24:10

I want to bring to your remembrance that history repeats itself, and man never learns from past history and that man always is bound to repeat it. All past mistakes man has made he will continually repeat over, and over, and over again. Please take note of the church right now; it is no different than that of the world. It’s all about the church, a prosperity gospel, a 401c tax code and or a building.

Let’s go back to a story about the Christian church in China… Continue

Added by Steven on August 18, 2009 at 3:23am — No Comments


We are forever wishing each other well. Whether it is on a joyous occasion or following sad events, we often find ourselves opening or concluding a conversation with a blessing or a word of encouragement. What is the value of such blessings? Is it worthwhile to seek them or give them? Are such blessings effective only when given by people of stature, or are they precious even when offered by ordinary folk?

David blessed Saul even though he could have killed him. I Samuel… Continue

Added by Steven on August 15, 2009 at 3:39am — No Comments



What fun it is to ride and sing on a one horse open slay.

Oh I’m sorry; it’s not Christmas time yet. When you see as much blogging going on the internet you see people who sometimes show a picture of what they want you to believe they look like.

Some like you to believe they are something they are not. It’s all in fun, and I get it. Some of the badges or icon’s I’ve seen are of animals, or famous people, places or scenery, but a Santa Claus as… Continue

Added by Steven on August 12, 2009 at 7:31am — No Comments

The Helps Ministry

When all scripture is considered both the old and new the new has a lot more to say about money than that of the law or “Old Testament” regarding the poor and about ministry support. This is only a small thumbnail sketch to high light the needs presented within the body of Christ.

Many ministries are not being helped to the degree that the Lord would want to see helped. Many Christians have heaped up money for a day when it is believed they can retire while the Lords work goes unfunded.… Continue

Added by Steven on August 11, 2009 at 1:26pm — No Comments


Good morning Father what are we going to do today to bring you name glory?

My Father who are in heaven hollow be your name, your kingdom come your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Give this day our daily bread and forgive me my sins as I forgive others who have sinned against me and lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever.

Thank you for my life today God, and giving me your… Continue

Added by Steven on August 11, 2009 at 12:12am — No Comments

Judgment Starts at the House of the Lord.

I believe God was kicked out of our nation because of the backsliding Christians who swallowed a bad teaching hook line and sinker. Somewhere back in the mid 1950’s Christians were taught an insidious heresy that they adopted as from God. The heresy was that Christians were taught to accept it, and to turn the other check not to be judgmental. For being judgmental they were passing judgment on themselves. So in order for we as Christians to be good lights for Christ in our country every time… Continue

Added by Steven on August 10, 2009 at 2:58pm — 1 Comment



1 Co. 13:12-13 We see now dimly, but we see, or at least we see something. What do you see?

Mt. 11:10 I will send my messenger before thy face which will prepare the way before you. Who sends out this messenger, the church? Christian schools? God sends His messengers before your face. Mal. 3:1-4 A fire is coming. Mk. 1:2

Were living in a desert, a real wasteland with very little water to drink, “the water of truth”. Lu. 1:68-80 God has purpose for his chosen… Continue

Added by Steven on August 10, 2009 at 4:56am — No Comments

My Beautiful and Lovely;

In a world that is so cold, your warmth radiates as on a cool summer evening. Your beauty draws men to you as you captivate them with your smile. Oh beauty being real, your loveliness touches my heart and shows where true love is. There is no room for anything else, for your love fills my life with joy.

You have your touch, your way, and I miss your spirit when you’re gone away. My beautiful and so lovely it’s been so long and I miss you so. So long a time to be apart from your… Continue

Added by Steven on August 10, 2009 at 4:06am — No Comments


A hill in Jerusalem, the site of the Temple and of the royal palace of David and his successors: a symbol of the center of Jewish national life. A heavenly city, the theocracy of God. A very real and natural place held dear in the Jewish religion of Zionism.

The natural and spiritual are two distinct worlds with rules of engagement. In the First World War there were two nations that of Abraham and Nimrod. You know the story Nimrod and his people were building a tower in a valley in… Continue

Added by Steven on August 9, 2009 at 3:24pm — No Comments


Give and it will be given;

There are two choices in life: Give and it will be given, or take before you are taken.

If we look at our present political, economic and cultural meltdown, we can ask ourselves -- how much "taking before you are taken" is going on? I think it is reaching pandemic levels, as trust is being corroded across the whole culture.

The only answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and hence, the power to give and it will be given. But how do we inject… Continue

Added by Steven on August 9, 2009 at 2:59pm — No Comments



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