April 1, 2012 by The Lady Is A Leader
I get it now….Women of Power Cannot Be Explained…It MUST Be Experienced! On numerous occasions upon the closing event of a Women of Power Women’s Weekend, I have presented verbiage which I felt would best articulate what I felt transpired during the great time of fellowship.
As we walked into the 14th Annual Women’s Weekend, I am completely aware there is now a calmness which is upon myself and the staff…I am reminded “the anointing flows down from the beard to the skirts.” Psalms 133:2 What is more intense in that scripture is that the word of God, calls this oil, “PRECIOUS”.
The harvest if none other, I would like to impart upon those who read this, is that your anointing is precious….your seed has been precious, your tears have been precious, your patience has been precious, even your frustration has been precious -now your harvest is precious!
I really can’t explain when it happened; I can’t give you an exact moment, when I knew without a doubt, that I was precious in His sight, and the assignment the Lord has placed in my care is precious and cannot be defiled with anger, nor confusion. I remember ” turning a corner” a few years ago, I reassessed the path, the assignment and the precious anointing, placed upon Women of Power. God has truly honored HIS commitment to HIS daughters, the power transferred upon our lives is an impeccable expression of HIS glory.
The Lord impressed upon me to sow even more into the ministries of other women who were integrity based, and who had a “pure” heart to minister to His daughters. I began to sow, sow, sow…to the north, the south, the east and the west. God would lay a ministry upon my heart, or a person, and even if it meant taking time from my schedule to sow into their lives, I would be obedient. I witnessed an overflow of “precious” sisters who began to bombard my environment with blessings sent from the Father.
As I looked among the mass of women during the 14th Annual Women’s Weekend, I saw women coming anticipating their harvest and they were ready to receive or walk into their harvest in a safe place. A place where their harvest would not be contaminated with jealousy. A place where their harvest would not be snatched, but nurtured with love and discipline. I beheld women whose harvest was birthed right before our very eyes….and they carried their harvest as a proud mother; willing to share her bundle of joy. Amazing does not equate with the magnitude of deliverance, salvation, and healing which was manifested during the Women’s Weekend!
I researched the word precious; and I found numerous definitions, but one definition which stood out to me was “of great value”. Witnessing the attendees, along with myself “get it”, get the fact that we are of great value in the kingdom. Each of us carry a gift which is of great value in the kingdom, and of great value to our creator. It doesn’t matter what has been said to or about you, the seed deposited in you is purposed to produce an unceasing harvest; as LONG as the earth remaineth. Genesis 8:22
What a precious time before the Lord, and a time of fellowship which surpassed the normal; throughout the weekend attendees, exhibitors, presenters, even the staff were bestowing expressions of love upon each other, it was contagious!
We were all…”precious in His sight”. What a harvest, and the phenomenal aspect is that..”it won’t stop, and no man can block”, what God has for you. Receive your Unceasing Harvest as you continue to….
Walk In His Power
Dr. BJ
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"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever; forsake not the works of Thine own hands."
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