The Lady Is A Leader…Even As She Reaps…
February 1, 2012
In preparation for Women of Power 2012, “An Unceasing Harvest”…I met a crossroad, which was a defining moment, a particle of time which embraced every prayer and intercession which was in my spirit for the upcoming powerful weekend. Yet, was I being honorable in my time of grief? Was I allowing myself to actually “feel”?
Genesis 8:22
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease . “
The Lord was allowing me to see that the elements which He has placed in the earth, are purposeful aspects of life. There shall be a time of sowing, which is an opportunity to receive the trust and safe-keeping of another person’s life. This really blew me away, because I always saw sowing as “my giving”…but the Lord showed me by way of my relationship with my father-in-love, that I am one of the safe-keepers of his love, and trust.
By God’s grace and honor, I reaped the harvest of watching my children, sit at his feet, knowing my grandchildren were touched by him, my cup truly runneth over.
Yes this is a different time in my life…however I shall still experience the cold winds of reality, and I pray I continue to experience the warm embrace of the Holy Spirit.
I also believe I can appreciate the summer and winter experiences in my life…for I have had the awesome experience to learn first hand the “anointing” of sowing. I am witnessing that while the earth remaineth…day and night shall not cease. For there is an order which the Lord has placed upon the rising of the sun, and the going down of the same sun.
However, there is a peace which may surpass your understanding…this is my harvest! To be at peace is what I am reaping! How amazing! Peace does not mean I won’t grieve, peace does not mean, I won’t shed a tear, this peace that I speak of…is a peace which states; no matter what has transpired…as long as the earth remaineth…I shall reap a harvest from this! I shall learn a lesson from this! I shall gain direction from this! I shall be wiser from this! I’m in a reaping position, I’m going in with my hands up, and I’m coming out with my heart full!
I would love for you to join me in Norcross GA, which is Metro Atlanta, for the 14th Annual Women’s Weekend-
“An UnCeasing Harvest”
March 15-18, 2012..
You will never be the same!
Praising God For What I CAN Have In 2012!
Women of Power Cannot Be Explained, It Must Be Experienced
Always Walk In Power,
Dr. BJ Relefourd
Evangelist Denise Jackson
Charter Member -WOP

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