Matthew 18:19-20 "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

We all are faced with Adversities in life and the Word of God tells us to pray for one another and to bear one another's burdens. All Prayer Warriors and praying friends, let us set aside a time each day to pray for our Nation, Leaders, Family, Friends and all people who have been affected by the Economy and those who are in Crisis. The early morning time that I've set aside is between 5-6 AM before you start your day. No matter what part of the world you reside in, please include this time in your daily agenda. When we all come together in unity and prayer for world peace, we can move heaven in our behalf.

Most of the time our lives are filled with chaos from day to day, trying to accomplish what needs to be done daily, but where does God fit in? We must remember to take out a few minutes of our day to pray and reverance God! He commands us to Praise and Worship Him in Spirit and in truth..Amen! No matter what religion or faith you're a part of, we all serve the one and only, true and living God! If you have Prayer Requests, write them below, so that we all can come together daily and pray over this prayer list and you all will be exceedingly and abundantly Blessed in Jesus' Precious name! Your Sister In Christ, ~EarthAngel~

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Prayer for Finances (It Works!)

I claimed it for you - now claim it for me.
God has more than a thousand ways to provide for us, that we know nothing about..
Here is your financial blessing!

Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Loving God, I pray to you that you will
Abundantly bless my family and me.

I know that you recognize, that a Family is more than just a mother, father, sister,
cousin, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in you.

Dear GOD, I send up a prayer request for financial blessing for not only the
Person who's reading this, but for me and all of my family and friends.

And that the power of joined prayer by those who Believe and trust in you is
More powerful than anything!

I thank you in Advance for your blessings.

God, deliver the person reading this right Now from debt and debt burdens.

Release your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that you
have given me GOD, for I know how wonderful and mighty you are and how if we
just obey you and walk in your word and have the faith of a Mustard Seed that you will pour out blessings.

I thank you now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come,
I know that you are not done with me yet!

In Jesus' name, Amen...

Pastoral Poem

Every time I am asked to pray, I think of the old fellow who always prayed, 'Lord prop us up on our leanin' side'.  After hearing him pray that prayer many times, someone asked him why he prayed that prayer so fervently.

He answered, 'Well sir, you see, it's like this....I got an old barn out back; it's been
there a long time; its withstood a lot of weather; it's gone through a lot of
storms, and it has stood for many years. 

It's still standing, but one day I noticed it was leaning to one side a bit. 
 went and got some Pine poles and propped it up on
its leaning side so it wouldn't fall. 

Then I got to thinking about that and how much I was like that old barn.  I've been
around a long time.  I've withstood a lot of life's storms. I've withstood a lot
of bad weather in life, I've stood a lot of hard times and I'm still standing

But I find myself leaning to one side from time to time, so I like to ask the Lord to prop us up on our leaning side, 'cause I figure a lot of us get to leaning at times.

Sometimes we get to leaning toward anger, leaning toward bitterness, leaning toward hatred, leaning toward cussing, leaning toward a lot of things that we shouldn't.  So we need to pray, "Lord, prop us up on our leaning side, so we will stand straight and tall again, to Glorify the Lord."






My Sister, in spite of it all, you're still Blessed! Thank God that you have the support of your family because so many don't!....You're still Blessed! Thank God that you have the support of your friends because so many don't!...You're still Blessed! God is getting ready to shake the foundation and the devil is mad! Satan knows what God is getting ready to do in your life, so he releases every force that he's got available to shake and waver your faith. As a witness of what God can do in his infinite Wisdom and awesome power, stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might. When you've come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on because help is on the way! You gotta Praise your way through this situation and it aint over until God says it's over, so when you get to the point of discouragement, start Praising God because that's what's gonna get you over the hump. Start Praising Him right now and make it happen! And whatever you do, don't stop Praising Him!!! Look that devil straight in the eye and rebuke that joker in Jesus Name and he's got to go, Amen? Now hold your head up, keep the faith, don't look back and don't give up! "YOU'RE STILL BLESSED" Love ya much! ~EarthAngel~
thanks for the Wisdom Of Words ..EarthAngel Divine

EarthAngel Divine said:
My Sister, in spite of it all, you're still Blessed! Thank God that you have the support of your family because so many don't!....You're still Blessed! Thank God that you have the support of your friends because so many don't!...You're still Blessed! God is getting ready to shake the foundation and the devil is mad! Satan knows what God is getting ready to do in your life, so he releases every force that he's got available to shake and waver your faith. As a witness of what God can do in his infinite Wisdom and awesome power, stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might. When you've come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on because help is on the way! You gotta Praise your way through this situation and it aint over until God says it's over, so when you get to the point of discouragement, start Praising God because that's what's gonna get you over the hump. Start Praising Him right now and make it happen! And whatever you do, don't stop Praising Him!!! Look that devil straight in the eye and rebuke that joker in Jesus Name and he's got to go, Amen? Now hold your head up, keep the faith, don't look back and don't give up! "YOU'RE STILL BLESSED" Love ya much! ~EarthAngel~
god jesus inspirational
Please, keep me in your prayers. As God prepare to take me deeper in ministry, the enemy is rising up against me by sending demonic spirits upon my son. Can someone teach me how to bind them in a manner in which they can never return and possess him?
Hello my dear Sister,
I can certainly relate to what you're going through with your son because I had the same problem with my son.  As I reflect back on his life, my son was possessed , since almost the day he was born.  I constantly had to watch him because he was always hurting himself in one way or the other.   When he was a young boy, he accidentally hung himself in the back yard and if it wasn't for my daughter, his oldest sister, he probably wouldn't be here today; the boy would try anything and wasn't afraid of anything because he saw no danger.  I had to watch him 24/7 because he was always getting into trouble, by doing things that he wasn't supposed to do.  He was hyperactive and on top of that, he was a  mean child.  He was always stubborn and hard headed, in doing what he wanted to do, no matter what I said.  I took him to a facility at one time, to have him evaluated for one month.  It was just a waste of time because he acted normal and did no wrong the whole time that he was there.  He out smarted everybody there and they didn't see what I saw or had to deal with at home on a daily basis. 
I knew that something was wrong with my child but I could not convince anyone or make them see what I saw.  As a mother, you just know when something is wrong with your child.  He had demon spirits inside of him, making him do all kinds of crazy things.  I didn't know the Lord then, so I didn't know anything about demonic forces.  It wasn't until I got Saved, that I began to learn about satan and his hoard.  So when I became to know the Lord, I started praying for my son and I just kept him before the Lord at all times.  I never gave up on him because I knew that God was going to work it all out.  We must learn to wait on God and stop being impatient because He knows how to fix it and He knows what time to fix it!  My son is 36 years old now and it has taken this long (all these years) for him to start to make a change in his life. 
About 2 years ago, there was a renowned Minister on TV, giving away Prayer Cloths and this particular Minister I had been listening to for a long time and believe me, I don't follow everybody's Ministry because there are so many false Prophets out there now and you have to be very careful about who you listen to and who you follow.  With that said, I called that ministry to get a prayer cloth sent to me and I was anxiously awaiting the day for it to arrive.  It finally arrived and there were 2 prayer cloths enclosed in the envelope.  I immediately took one of them out and proceeded into my son's bedroom.  I lifted the mattress and pinned the cloth to the underside of his mattress and he never knew that it was there.  Those prayer cloths were very powerful and you may not believe this but I could start to see changes in my son immediately.  Each day that rolled around, he got better and better.  He still has a ways to go but I just thank God that he's changing his life for the better.
My son has been playing Piano since he was 3 years old and as he got older, he developed his playing and music more and more.  Since he's been grown, he's played in several bands, Karaoke and Open Mike Night.  He loves to entertain and I've always talked to him about giving back his gift to the Lord and use his talent & gift for His Glory.  He never wanted to here that and it just goes to show you how satan gets a grip on our children and steer them in the wrong direction.  I always told him that he needed to be playing for a Church, as much talent as he's got.  He not only plays piano but he's also an Artist.  He wasted many years doing nothing with his talents and gifts.  He grew up in the Church and once he became grown, he stopped going to Church and he's been like a person in the wilderness for all these years.  So guess what?  He's playing for 2 Churches now and God is using Him in a mighty way!  He sees and knows now, that this is where he needs to be but it took all of the hits and misses in life, for him to get to this point.  God had Mercy on Him and now he's using his talents for the Lord.  Ain't God good?  Hallelujah, I just Praise God for all that He has/is doing in my son's life! 
I took my time to share this with you my Sister because I just want you to know that you can't give up on your children, no matter how hard it gets.  I'm also sharing my story with everyone because somebody else out there may be struggling with the same issues that you are going through and that I have gone through.  God knows what you're struggling with and He's right there with you to see you and your son through this crisis.  Everything happens for a reason and sometimes God allows certain things to happen and He allows us to go through these storms in life, in order to make us strong.  Not only did I use the Prayer Cloth, there were other things that I did to bring peace in my home.  You wanted to know how to cast those demons out of your son, so I will also share with you some other things that I did as well.  First of all, get some anointed oil and it can be prayed over by you or maybe your Pastor or Minister.  Go through your house and anoint every room in your house with the anointed oil; you can use the oil to make a little cross on the walls, over the doorways and you can even put just a little on several articles of his clothing and also in his shoes.  Go in his room when he's not there and pray in his room as many times as you can; plead the Blood of Jesus over his room and every room in your house. 
The Word of God tells us that we have authority over the devil and his demons.  When you speak the Name Of Jesus, demons tremble at the sound of His Name because they know who Jesus is!  You have the power to make those demons get out of your house and just like satan himself is bold enough to come up in your house, you have to be bolder and make him get out of your house.  Command the devil to leave your house! Command the demons to get out of your child.  You don't have to let your son know what you're doing because those demons that's in him will rise up against you and your son will reject you even more.  Just go into his room and pray over him when he's asleep at night.  Continue to pray over your home and just walk through the house Praising God and rebuking those demon spirits and commanding them to get out of your house.  They cannot stay there because the power of God is much stronger than they are and they will have to flee from your house and from your family members.  Demons can be stubborn and that's why you cannot let your guards down.  Sometimes when you pray, it may seem like things are getting worse, but they're really not, that's just satan and those demons getting stirred up because they do not want to leave.  Stand your ground and continue to pray, pleading the blood of Jesus over your house and over your family.
I'm not an expert in this but I know what worked for me and that's why I'm sharing this with you and whomever wants to read this because it will not only be a Blessing to you but also a Blessing to anyone that is going through the same things that you're going through right now.  Last but definitely not least;  start having prayer with your son and whoever else is in your household.  You should gather your family every morning and have prayer before they walk out of the door.  Pray God's protection upon them and plead the blood of Jesus over them, to keep them safe from all hurt, harm and danger.  Pray with your family each and every morning and just allot enough time in the early morning to pray before you start your day.  Whenever you do these things that I'm telling you, you will start to see a difference in your son almost immediately.  He might be a little more rebellious but that just lets you know that God is working on him, so don't get discouraged, just keep being obedient to God and continue to pray with and over your family on a daily basis. Do not expect to see an immediate change in your son, unless God sees fit to do so.  Pray about what you're going through with your son and release him to God.  The Lord will work on him and He will make a change in your son in His own time.  So give it to God and step back and watch God move!  Pray and ask God to send a trustworthy, anointed  person for you to talk to and counsel with you, that lives in your area.  God has not forgotten you my Sister and all you have to do is just trust Him to do what He said He will do.
The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, so don't give him the satisfaction of falling for his deceiving lies. Have a positive outlook on life and no matter how the forces of darkness come against you; just fight with the Sword of redemption and speak the Word, that's all you need.  Study the Scriptures to show yourself worthy of His love, Grace and Mercy.  Read the Word daily because this is what will sustain you through the hard times.  My favorite Scripture is Psalm 91 and everything that you're going through right now, is compiled in that passage and it will give you peace in the midst of your storm.  He's working it out right now, so just keep the Faith and know that God is right there beside you at all times because he said that He will never leave you nor forsake you. I will share with you this write up that I found and I think that it will help you tremendously, so whenever you get a chance just read it and study it because it has great information about casting out demons.......  God Bless you my Sister and let me know if I can be of help to you and I'll do my best to do whatever I can to help.  Please keep me posted as to what's going on and let me know if these things that I've shared with you has helped you.  Take care and be Blessed!
In His Grace,
Skype:  earthangel4you
Twitter:  earthangeluv

Ann Banks said:
Please, keep me in your prayers. As God prepare to take me deeper in ministry, the enemy is rising up against me by sending demonic spirits upon my son. Can someone teach me how to bind them in a manner in which they can never return and possess him?

Ann Banks said:
Please, keep me in your prayers. As God prepare to take me deeper in ministry, the enemy is rising up against me by sending demonic spirits upon my son. Can someone teach me how to bind them in a manner in which they can never return and possess him?
Sister EarthAngel, these demonic spirits only seem to show-up when he is away from me in places like school and the Boys and Girls club. At home, there is no problem. He is a very loving child, and he loves to help-out. This is what confuses his teacher. He is highly intellegent, but he is also hyperactive. He is the perfect gentleman. I often receive compliments on the way that I have raised him. Yet, I recently had a sister who is in the deliverance ministry to tell me that his dad's demons fell upon him when he was yet in the womb. I was saved when I concieved him; his name is God given. I have called him by name from the time that he appeared to be an accidental speck on an ultrasound.
You know what, my dear sister, . . . I was also carrying my son when I fell and sought in my heart how I might kill his dad after he told me to ask the doctor how to undo my pregnancy because he did not desire to be married to me anymore. I had forgotten that, and it is a very important fact. I do believe that I NOW know what I must do. I may have caused this problem in ignorance. Thank you for ALL of your help.
Pray with me that God will deliver my son from the spirit of rage and hurt. That was one of the worst times in my life. It took me a while to make my way back home to my Heavenly Father, because I could not forgive myself for disappointing God.
Much Love In Christ,
Sister Ann
Thank you, Sister SWOOP123.

MS.SWOOP123 said:

Ann Banks said:
Please, keep me in your prayers. As God prepare to take me deeper in ministry, the enemy is rising up against me by sending demonic spirits upon my son. Can someone teach me how to bind them in a manner in which they can never return and possess him?

My Dear Sister

Even though he may have demon spirits from his dad, it doesn't matter where they come from because demons are demons and that curse can be broken.  I experienced the same thing with my son and he had a generational curse upon him from his dad and his dad's side of the family.  Because I did not know the Lord at that time, I went through some terrible times with my son and just as your son, my son had a good heart but he had problems in School and everywhere else he went.  But now, Praise the Lord, that curse has been broken and I Glorify God for delivering my son and myself!  You still need to apply the same methods that I listed and shared with you above (even though he gives you no problems at home), because they are still in him and you want them out, so anoint his bedroom and every room in your house; anoint pieces of his clothing and anoint his head with oil.  This is what I had to do and I just want you to know that it works because this is what the Word of God tells us and He gives us instructions in His Word about how to rebuke these evil spirits. (Please refer to the Bible for Scriptures in renouncing evil spirits) When you anoint his head, just repeat the 23rd Psalms and as I stated; Pray with him & your family early morning before he leaves out of the door to go to School.  You have to Pray & command those demons to go and command them to flee in the name of Jesus!  Then plead the Blood of Jesus over Him to protect him throughout the day, every day.  These are the steps that you must take in order to set your son's spirit free in Jesus!  Or otherwise, what will you do? If you don't do anything, they will always be there tormenting him.  You can also have someone who knows God to lay hands on him and rebuke those spirits but make sure you know that they are called by God for the Ministry of laying on of hands and someone whom you know and trust.  You have to start somewhere and the Holy Spirit will teach you! Be Blessed my Sister!

In His Grace,


Ann Banks said:
Sister EarthAngel, these demonic spirits only seem to show-up when he is away from me in places like school and the Boys and Girls club. At home, there is no problem. He is a very loving child, and he loves to help-out. This is what confuses his teacher. He is highly intellegent, but he is also hyperactive. He is the perfect gentleman. I often receive compliments on the way that I have raised him. Yet, I recently had a sister who is in the deliverance ministry to tell me that his dad's demons fell upon him when he was yet in the womb. I was saved when I concieved him; his name is God given. I have called him by name from the time that he appeared to be an accidental speck on an ultrasound.
You know what, my dear sister, . . . I was also carrying my son when I fell and sought in my heart how I might kill his dad after he told me to ask the doctor how to undo my pregnancy because he did not desire to be married to me anymore. I had forgotten that, and it is a very important fact. I do believe that I NOW know what I must do. I may have caused this problem in ignorance. Thank you for ALL of your help. Pray with me that God will deliver my son from the spirit of rage and hurt. That was one of the worst times in my life. It took me a while to make my way back home to my Heavenly Father, because I could not forgive myself for disappointing God. Much Love In Christ,
Sister Ann




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