Jennifer McClain
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  • Tappahannock, VA
  • United States
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My Son And Hubby
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Hello I'm a mom and married to a wonderful husband who's a local truckdriver and have an 8 yr old son in third grade and we live in VA. I found my home biz with Greenwood Health!I've been a rep For Greenwood Health And Wellness products since last november of year of 2008. I absolutely love the vitamin, because it's keeping me healthy and gives me a ton of energy and I feel great inside and out! The Epic Ultra liquid vitamin has helped with my migraines and my stomach problems so much and so much more. It's also very fast acting.I'm doing very well with this home business, I have many people coming to me wanting more info and most signup. People are looking for a product like this! I would suggest if your looking for natural products that work, this is the business! You can try as a customer first and see if you like it, than decide if the biz is for you!
Has helped moms with ms,menopause,fibromalagia,weig htloss,clear skin,acne, pain,back pain etc

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Value Priced at ONLY $19.95
80+ Vitamins & Minerals
Complete Nutrition
Easily Assimilated Liquid
Premium Quality
VERY Pleasant Taste
60 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

There is no other liquid product available that contains the same levels of all the Vitamins, Trace Minerals and other Natural Nutrients that EPIC ULTRA provides...PERIOD!

EPIC ULTRA is the product everyone NEEDS, and at ONLY $19.95 per bottle, EPIC ULTRA is also the product everyone can AFFORD!

Potent MULTI-VITAMIN formula containing over 80 Vitamins & Minerals.

Low Calories - Low Carbs - NO Added Sugars.

Fortified with supporting nutrients to specifically benefit your HEART.*

Nutrients to combat the negative effects of STRESS in your life.*

ANTI-AGING benefits of our special anti-oxidant nutrients.*

Very special IMMUNE SYSTEM enhancing nutrients to strengthen your cellular protection.*

Provides unbelievable natural ENERGY enhancement.*

Special nutrients to enhance your MOOD and MEMORY.*

Nutrients to AID DIGESTION and reduce or eliminate the need to take unhealthy anti-acids.*

Additional nutrients to benefit your EYES and VISION.*

Added special BONE and JOINT nutrients to strengthen bones and reduce swelling around joints.*

View Supplement Facts & Brochure
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Jennifer McClain

This is An Awesome International Opportunity!

This is An Awesome Opportunity!

A FREE opportunity,

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That pays you $25 dollars Bonus Up Front

Has a niche of MILLIONS!

No tar and carcinogens
No cancer causing chemicals
Smoke in restricted areas
No cigarette butts
No bad odor on clothes or breath

Introducing a healthy cigarette YES I know, and it may help people quit!

No Tar!

No Chemicals!

No SMOKE! It is even legal to puff on them in places were it is illegal to smoke!

The result a decrease in health risks compared to smoking!

The goal for any smoker should be to eventually quit this product can assist them in doing that by weaning off of the nic, if not it is a healthier way for them to get there nic fix for those who smoke anyway!

Also It is 75% Cheaper than cigs!

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Thanks for checking my site out!:0)


In 1993, Lisa Middleton and her ex-husband along with 2 other partner couples, started a very successful direct sales company called Starlight International that did $300,000,000 in revenue within 3 years. Lisa, who was a former fashion model and clothing designer, has been extremely successful in the fashion industry with her own clothing wholesale business. Her knowledge for knowing what designs will be successful is impeccable. In 2006, Lisa took her expertise and started “Iggly Biggly” a USPTO trademarked company meaning they manufacture their own line of clothing. Her experience has always been in high-end clothing selling to resorts, boutiques, spas, etc. in New York, Turks and Caicos, Boca Raton, and other exotic places.

Lisa’s knowledge of the fashion industry and what sells and does not sell, helped her in designing and creating the “Iggly Biggly Bag” that combined Flip-Flops, which are the top selling shoes in the world, with a designer bag that holds (multiple) up to 6 designer flip flops. The Iggly Biggly Bag was an instant hit and sold like hotcakes at specialty boutiques all over the world!

The “Iggly Biggly Bag” was also complete hit at the prestigious World Shoe Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. (There are several news articles where you can read about her huge success with this and other shoe shows). “Iggly Biggly” out sold all the new product lines and was compared to the “Crocs” phenomenon. One of Lisa's many high-end connections, an "Old Navy" manufacturer, even retooled his plant to the tune of $25 million to accommodate production of the flip-flops.

In 2008, Lisa’s fulfillment warehouse was ridden by a natural disaster when it was hit by a freak tornado in Windsor, Colorado. The warehouse was condemned and all inventory was a complete loss. Shortly after the tornado hit the fulfillment warehouse, Lisa slipped getting out of her vehicle and broke both her ankles in one of her legs. So needless to say with her warehouse inventory destroyed and in a wheelchair with broken ankles she decided to take a little time to think and pray about what she was going to do next.

One Sunday morning as she was having some quiet time and praying it came to her - you have Iggly Biggly you know direct sales - Take Iggly Biggly into direct sales. She told one person, Barbara Hoagland, a previous Starlight International partner and Barbara called her back and asked if she could put some people on the phone with her. She got on the phone with about 30 people and at the end of that call they asked if she would do another call that night. That call had 100 people on it who all signed up and because of that, Iggly Biggly was taken to direct sales! We are now growing by an astonishing 1000 distributors a week!

Look out Tupperware – Move over Pampered Chef – Iggly Biggly is here! As distributors we will receive our own replicated retail website where you can sell the product at retail and have it shipped directly to the customer. Also as a distributor, you will have an opportunity to participate in the compensation plan, a 2X2 follow me matrix. It’s simple to qualify, just refer 2 people and help them refer 2 each. You will then cycle through the matrix, make money and receive flip flop “samples”.

You can get in now on this amazing ground floor opportunity. If you are looking for a fun and affordable way to earn some extra income then “Iggly Biggly” could be for you. This is such an amazing opportunity. Summer is coming and now could be the perfect time for you to get your business started!

We have so much to look forward to as Iggly Biggly Distributors! Our back offices will enable us to track our business growth, listen to recorded training calls and business calls, have access to approved ad copy, brochures and catalogs. This is the easiest, fastest growing business I have ever seen, not to mention only $20 to get started. Iggly Biggly is a product driven business, starting with flip-flops both mens and ladies, Lisa has mentioned that she will be expanding the line into handbags, watches and beachwear.

If you want to hear Lisa tell the “Iggly Biggly” story, just dial in nightly at 8:00 p.m. EST at 212-461-5860, Pin 28328#

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To get started This is all you need to do!!

1 $20 bill or credit card to get you started as a distributor;

2 friends who like flip flops or realize that they are the top selling show in the world;

3 minutes to get yourself registered!

Sounds simple, doesn't it? Well it is and even though it is simple, it is the biggest thing I have ever done and the funny thing is, it is only $20 to get started with a potential to earn $480 over and over and over again!

Think about it, what 2 people do you know that would like to earn $480 over and over and over again???

And with our Team Build making sure that everyone gets qualified - we are truly taking the mean of TEAM to a whole new level!

This could definitely be the business for you if you have always wanted to get started in a business but could not afford to get in or the monthly costs involved!

If your interested Great!!

Contact me with any questions you have or info you would like to have before signing up! Let me know before hand please! So I can give you the next person in line to signup under.

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My Son And Hubby

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 8:13am on February 10, 2013, Evang. Felecia Spaulding said…

At 4:24am on February 11, 2012, Evang. Felecia Spaulding said…

At 7:29am on September 5, 2011, EarthAngel Divine said…
I'm just stopping by to say hello and to also invite you to join our newest Group, "Natural Home Remedies." God has provided every Herb that we need to live healthy and prosperous lives. Come and join us on this journey to good health... God's way! Click here to join us... Natural Remedies
I would like to make friends and get acquainted with everyone on this Site, so whether you join the Group or not, contact me anyway, just to converse. Be Blessed in your going in and coming out...May everything that you touch be Blessed my friend!
In God's Love.....
At 2:52am on August 24, 2011, Evang. Felecia Spaulding said…
At 1:02pm on February 12, 2011, Helen said…

Peace and Blessings Always,

At 1:14pm on February 10, 2011, Evang. Felecia Spaulding said…
At 6:09am on November 19, 2010, Helen said…

Peace and Blessings Always,

At 4:20am on February 10, 2010, Evang. Felecia Spaulding said…

At 4:20am on February 10, 2010, Evang. Felecia Spaulding gave Jennifer McClain a gift
At 11:00am on October 18, 2009, prophet alfred said…
praise the lord how are u doing to day and ur ministry i hope u are doing well by his grace i know meeting u is not chance or mistake but is doing of the lord i pray that may good lord be with u and ur ministry may u never lack any good thing in ur life may the rains of heaven fall upon ur life any way mommy i like to invite u u to come and visit my ministry here in Ghana i will like to host a 3 days prophetic programmed for u to come and preach here in Ghana this my number +233-277326116 and my my e-mail adds have nice day take care for ur self bye for now





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