This would be a second part to what I was speaking on, the subject of
a Blood Covenant of Marriage..I believe that a lot of born again
believers do not even realize that God is a Covenant God. He made a
Covenant with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, King David, and through
Christ, an Everlasting Covenant to every born again believer in Jesus
our King...Yet, few people even realize that when two people marry,
there is not only a vow of purity and holiness between them, there is
a blood Covenant made that binds them together spiritually. .Does this
leave any question that God expects both the man and the woman to be
Virgins when they marry? Because of the small amount of blood that is
shed when the hymen of the woman is broken. It is possible to prove
the virginity of a woman..If someone proved that a woman had lost her
virginity before marriage, her husband could have the marriage
annulled. If the woman had not been raped or lost her virginity
through forcible sexual assault, they assumed she had voluntarily
submitted to sexual intercourse before marriage, against God's
commandments. In the case there was a dispute, God gave explicit
instructions on HOW to settle the matter..The evidence of the woman's
purity was to be found in her "tokens of virginity," which meant
blood on the sheets..The parents of the bride were to give the
newlyweds a set of "bedclothes" for the couple's first night of
marriage and their initial act of sexual intercourse, after their
first night together, if the man charged that his bride was not a
virgin, then the bride's parents were to bring the sheets used that
night and spread them before the Elders of the city as evidence
concerning their daughter's virginity..If the tokens of marriage were
found that the man had lied in a attempt to get out of the marriage
and defraud his new bride and her parents. His charge, if false, was
considered slander against a "virgin of Israel" and incurred a severe
penalty. First, the man was rebuked and whipped publicly. second, he
was to pay the parents of the bride a fine for bringing a false
charge against their daughter. Third, he was to continue the marriage
without any further opportunity for divorce.. The man's penalty was
the responsibility to provide and care for a woman he obviously
didn't love..If his charge was true--if the woman was not a virgin,
though representing herself to be--then the husband was given the
annulment he desired. Her penalty for defrauding her parents and
husband was to be brought before the people of the city and to be
stoned to death..She had brought folly in Israel, to play the whore
in her "father's house." The penalty for losing her virginity was
death..So you see, that God is the same yesterday, today and
forever..This is one reason why so many marriages end in divorce.
People do not understand the physical and spiritual reformations when
it comes to their Covenant of marriage.. When two people marry who
are not virgins, they have already broken that which is sacred and
holy..This is what Paul plainly speaks about when he talks about
marriage and divorce..When two people marry they are united in
a "Oneness in Christ" They are no longer their own for the man's body
now belongs to his wife and a woman's body belongs to the man and
sexual intimacy is theirs to enjoy and to refrain only in times of
prayer and fasting..This is the one reason why God has spoken against the uniting of two men or two women in marriage! They cannot enter a blood covenant whereby they are defiled and their union of marriage is cursed and any Clergyman, Priest, Pastor, Justice of the peace who unites them in a holy bond of marriage stands judged by God Himself. I have heard many so called Christians say, "Oh Yes, we just need to love and embrace them, bless God! It's not their fault they are born that way, they should have their own rights to marry whom they want." The facts are, they don't just want the rights to marry. They want to make Christians the criminals and make laws to put us in jail for preaching the word of God. It's time to teach the word of God and get back to living Holy. This shines a light on true purity and
holiness in our relations to each other as married couples and to our
relationship with Jesus himself..When a person comes to Christ and
receives him by faith. His or her sins are cleansed and God no longer
remembers them no more..They are put under the blood of the Lamb..All
sins are forgiven including any and all sexual sins..We can walk in
divine holiness and purity before those we are to marry and if
already married, we can walk in divine purity and holiness with each
other by the power of the Holy Spirit of God..The spirit of man is
renewed and made in the very image of Jesus Himself..We are no longer
the same person..We then, are born of God and are new creations in
Christ Jesus our brother and king..Let us examine ourselves and if
there is any evidence of our relationship not being in the way of
purity and holiness, we have an Advocate with the Father which is
Jesus our Lawyer..We can be cleanse, we can walk as true kings and
priests before him daily.."Let it be written! Let it be so! In Jesus
unconditional Love..
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